More memory (HDD) required

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by smurph, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    Think I asked this many years 18 months I have nearly filled 2 x 2TB HDDs with media, and am fast running out of space......unfortunately HDD tecnology has fallen way behind the speed of broadband and the digital age....I used to burn it to DVD, but this isn't practical due to time constraints and the fact that optical drives become obsolete.
    So what are my options going forward?
  2. abekl

    abekl First Sergeant

    Optical drives have their place. They're not becoming obsolete as floppy drives did.

    You might want to look into renting some cloud storage space. It gets pretty cheap when you get into big numbers.
  3. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    I have now filled a 3TB HDD, and still have no permanent solution as to what to do.
    And now I need a new HDD, and only 3 will run off PC!
    Any ideas?
  4. oxooxo

    oxooxo Private First Class

    You could search ebay for a stand alone back up drive unit, they are usually SCSI but you can get one cheap enough. you will also need a SCSI PCI card which you can get from the same place, the one I have holds 6 HDD., a SCSI card will allow you to run up to 30 devices. or you could go the modern way and use multi SAS drives.
  5. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    Thanks Wally, am not sure, and have tried to look up, exactly what a stand alone back up drive unit is, and same for SCSI / SAS drives!?
    For now might just add another HDD, just not sure how many I can add to my mobo?
    Where can I find this?
    If I have used all the SATA ports on mobo, can I get a SATA cable splitter for another?
    And same for power?
  6. oxooxo

    oxooxo Private First Class

    Yes you can get a splitter cable, just have a look under SATA cables, or you can get a PCI card that can take more HDD, there is a seller on ebay UK but he is in the US that is selling a card with 12 sockets for SATA or SAS HDD, item 250896110247, I have looked on ebay but could not find a storage unit, you could have a look on US ebay, pity your over there as I have a spare unit.
    Let me know how you get on.
  7. oxooxo

    oxooxo Private First Class

    Have a look at 310673110808 on and you will see what I'm talking about .
  8. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    Ok, thanks for your help, I didn't realise I could split power & sata cables.
    If so, I will try and investigate how to add in another HDD, tower/storage likely not required YET!

    I have four SATA ports on mobo, 1st for main HDD, 2nd for optical DVD drive, 3rd&4th for slave HDDs.

    Can I split the SATA data and power cables coming from SATA3or4 on mobo to a new HDD, or from rear of an existing HDD?
    I don't see the cables with correct plugs on ebay UK, and don't think a SATA port will accept two suspect not!

    More likely need a card like you suggest, Uk ones are ~£100, or £6 from Hong Kong!!

    I assume splitting the power is much easier!
    Are there any guides on this anywhere?
  9. oxooxo

    oxooxo Private First Class

    Hi smurph.
    Yes you can get a splitter cable that will plug into your motherboard socket "do a search for SATA splitter cable" you will see that you can plug in up to about 4 drives on one cable.
    Merry Christ mas.
  10. smurph

    smurph Specialist

    Wal, thanks again, like this?
    Just not sure if this is compatible with my system??

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