Morrowind Mod Issues

Discussion in 'Software' started by jonathanalllen, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    Hello....i need help....i just recently started trying out the construction set and mods and what not for morrowind....sooo stupid me figured.."hey if i took the data files and put them on my desktop it would be easier access for ive realized that i may have tottaly screwed up morrowind....sooo..i completely uninstalled it but when i went to install it at 26% i get this message

    Redundancy error
    Component Data
    Filegroup Data
    E:/ .............. someone please tell me i didnt just ruin my only copy of there anyway i can fix pretty sure ive tried all the conventional methods
  2. ScoobySnack

    ScoobySnack Private First Class

    It sounds like the uninstallation you did was not complete.

    If you uninstalled from the game's uninstall option, also see if you can uninstall from add/remove programs in your control panel.

    Go to program files and delete the Bethesda folder if you see it there. If you have Oblivion or any of the other Elder Scroll games installed, go into the Bethesda folder and just delete the Morrowind folder instead of the whole Bethesda folder.

    Having the same files on another drive or even in a different folder should not make the installation error, but you certainly can't run Morrowind with the data files anywhere but in the data files folder. It is always a good idea to make a backup copy of your unmodded vanilla data file folder and stash it somewhere else, that way if you mess something up while modding you have that backup to copy/paste instead of reinstalling.
  3. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I suppose you have already tried to just put the data files back in the data folder?
  4. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    ill check again but im pretty sure i did a complete uninstall and i always uninstall from the control panel, [​IMG] i think i put that image up right....well any way...instead of having a folder called data files i now have two cabinet files one called data 1 and the other called data 2 im not sure what is going on but im pretty sure its not right
  5. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    If that link had gone to your Photobucket or Flickr account instead of to your hard drive, you would have. ;)

    Okay, try this:

    Assuming what you want is to uninstall the game completely, download, install, and run Ccleaner, both the file cleanup and the registry cleaner. After running those, manually verify that all Morrowind folders and files are gone, delete any leftovers. Do a full reboot, and then try to reinstall Morrowind again.
  6. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    Ive done that and it still wont install just keeps getting to 26% morrowind/data/morrowind.bsa and then the redundancy error
  7. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Okay, plan B: Run a file search for and manually delete everything you find. Reboot, try again.

    Unless I am misreading it, the redundancy error is because of too many copies of it. That reminds me... if you haven't already, get rid of every trace of every single downloaded mod, including temp files.
  8. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    Ok ive done that and i did find several copies of data2 i deleted them and deleted every mod that i had and even some remnant textures and meshes and what computer is as far as i can see cleansed of all things morrowind but i still get the same error upon attempting to install
  9. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to run out of options... just to clarify, is it still the exact same error as in your first post?

    Have you tried unhooking your internet cable, and then turn off all antivirus, firewall, spyware blocker, and similar software, and try to install that way? If in Vista or Windows 7, make sure you run the install "as Administrator".

    Um, that's a good point, now that I think about it. Which OS are you in?
  10. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    yes it the exact error i run XP and i always install under admin....ill unhook the the internet and make sure my anti virus isnt running
  11. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    VICTORY!!!!!........the strangest thing has happened.....i did all you an extra step i hooked my external laptop disk drive to do the install....and strangely it terribly sorry for all the trouble guys you have been amazing and i thank you...but....any idea why this happened....did maybe do something to my E drive?
  12. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    VICTORY!! :highfive

    It's possible that some files that you needed were on that external drive, that's the only explanation I can think of. Now, before you start modding again, make a copy of the original data folder and save somewhere, so you can restore it if you need to. ;) And have fun! :)
  13. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    I will certainly do that thanks a million...i know where im going when i have a problem you guys rock!!!
  14. spawndemon0

    spawndemon0 Corporal

    sounds to me like you somehow managed to install the game on 2 hard drives o_O'' is your external and E: drive the same name?(idk if thats possible but I mean dude that is the wackiest mess I've seen from Morrowind and I've seen some wacky stuff from it)
  15. jonathanalllen

    jonathanalllen Private E-2

    Your telling me man ive had some issues with installation and what not before but...this was just they are not under the same allias its very perplexing...the only thing i can think of is what mimsy said that my external drive still had the necessary components on it and that i somehow removed the ones from my E drive which would make sense because i have used the external drive to install it on my old computer so it was never corrupted by my ignorance lol.....oh well problem solved
  16. spawndemon0

    spawndemon0 Corporal

    well as long as the problem is solved lol

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