movie capture?

Discussion in 'Software' started by IROC_DIS, Nov 3, 2004.


    IROC_DIS Private E-2

    my roommate was wondering if there are any programs out there, or any way in general i guess, to capture video from a movie played on my comp so that he could then burn it to a dvd.

    he wants to try and cut/paste all of the major fight scenes from the matrix trilogy into a single movie file, and then burn it onto a dvd. and hed probably end up using my comp since its better than anything he owns.

    i cant imagine you need it, but my comp specs are p4 2.8, 1gb of pc3200 ram, radeon 9800 pro, and xp with sp2
  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    What are the movies in/on currently? An AVI, MPEG, DVD, VCD?

    IROC_DIS Private E-2

    he would want them from the dvd's
  4. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    If you have XP then try Movie Maker 2.

    Import the video from an existing file on your computer, then drag selected clips to create a storyboard.
  5. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    So you want to rip DVDs.... goto or google dvd ripping or dvd to avi.
    Then after the movie is ripped down to a video file you can edit out what you want and reauthor your own dvd.
    Vcdhelp is now videohelp, they have guides and tools for everything you want to do.

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