MS Outlook Express 2003 Crashes Computer - Need Major Help

Discussion in 'Software' started by relosegui, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. relosegui

    relosegui Private E-2

    Sorry if this question has been posed before but I have had this problem since I loaded Office 2003 on my rig.

    This is what happens-when I try to reply to an email by clicking the reply button or most of the times when I'm simply keying in the body of text in an email (new or reply), my computer screen will go black, say no signal, then go into a reboot i.e. the boot screen, and the rest of the sequence back to the login screen. The same issue occurs when I try to use Word or Excel also.

    I have the following config/software on my computer:
    Amd Athalon 64 3500
    2 Western Digital Raptors in RAID 0 configuration
    2 Western Digital SATA Hard Drives in RAID 1 configuration
    MS Office XP Pro OS
    1Gig Corsair XMS Memory

    Office 2003 is updated with the latest and greatest patches and service pack.

    XP Pro is updated with the latest and greatest patches,updates and service pack 2. Both of these softwares are proper copies (legit).

    Please help me out of this software nightmare! I have a glorified email reading computer only!

    I've tried numerous times working with Microsoft techies but they operate under the general assumption that nothing could possibly be wrong with their software program. That was their first mistake! Thanks.

    Best Regards,


    P.s.-Need more info about my rig to fix this problem, just ask. :)
  2. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Hi Ramon,

    Do you have an ATI video card? There have been instances where ATI Catalyst 4.11/4.12 drivers caused conflicts with Office 2003 programs, especially word, causing a no signal error.

    Try the MS version drivers for your card if it's ATI and see if that solves the problem.

  3. relosegui

    relosegui Private E-2

    Yes. I have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. I looked at the driver version and it says the following:

    Might there be an issue with this driver version as it isn't one of the ones that you highlighted.

    My next question is how would I go about getting the right MS version of the ATI driver for my video card. I am not familiar with doing something like that. I am a semi-computer geek by hobby and not a <MajorGeek> like some. Thanks for your response and your help. I've been very frustrated with MS and Office 2003.

    Best Regards,

  4. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Normally, I would suggest using the manufacturers (ATI) version of the correct driver unless it causes possible problems like some of the issues with Office. I'm not sure this is problem here, the MS version you have installed should be ok.

    Right-click on My Computer and select Properties > Hardware > Device Manager. Click on the + sign next to Display adapters and you should see your graphics card listed, right-click on it and select Update Driver. See if it finds a newer version, if so, install it and see if that helps.

    If this doesn't help, your graphics card might not be the problem and need to look at other possible solutions, one being to reinstall Office 2003 if you think this started after you installed it.

    Let us know

  5. relosegui

    relosegui Private E-2

    This particular issue has been an <issue> right from the start. I tried to un-install MS Office 2003 and re-install it to check and see if I had the rebooting problem right from the installation, which I did. So, even after a remove and re-install, with or without the updates and patches, this bug is consistently re-occurring. Thanks for the help.

    I'm really surprised that there aren't very many people responding to this post and that I seem to be one in some astronomically small group who is having this problem with MS Office 2003.
  6. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    You will get other responses, most members will wait and see if what has been posted works or not. We have alot of experienced people here so don't give up on a solution.

    Will also be checking for you.

  7. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Steve, I think you are on the right track with the ATI card issue :) , everything I can find points to the ATI card.

    Change the AGP options in BIOS:

    Bios : 8x AGP + FastWrite + CG : AGP turned all off
    Bios : 4x AGP + FastWrite + CG : 4x AGP + FastWrite

    What does that do for you?
  8. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Thank's for the help Shadow.

    That's all I could come up with, the "no signal" thing would certainly suggest that as a possible cause. Hope you are correct.

    Thank's again for the assist my friend. :)


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