MS Security Essentials permissions.

Discussion in 'Software' started by BubbaEuler, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. BubbaEuler

    BubbaEuler Private E-2

    Sirs: I've tried all I know how to do to stop MS Security Essentials from updating and loading at Boot. It is a Clock HOG and I want to use something else!

    When I have gone to Services.MSC and attempt to Stop it from running, it tells me that I do not have Group Permissions (or some such BS). I'm the Administrator!!!!

    What the blazes do I have to do to get this awful program to control itself, or, at least, let ME control my computer as I'm supposed to be able to do?

    Bubba Euler
  2. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    If you don't want it just uninstall it. Must say this is the first complaint I've ever seen about MSE being a resource hog :confused
  3. BubbaEuler

    BubbaEuler Private E-2

    Yes! Why not uninstall it and be done with it? I can't find it in any uninstall program, including the Windows uninstall. Where and how do I accomplish this? And where and HOW do I modify Permissions to be normal again?

  4. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    In a clean system you can uninstall it via control panel. If it does not appear there is a very strong likelihood that your system has been compromised so I advise heading over to the malware forum and getting your system checked out. Be sure to follow the READ AND RUN ME FIRST or you won't get attention.

    If you don't want to do that then at least run some other security scans such as MalwareBytesAntiMalware free or SuperAntiSpyware free.
  5. BubbaEuler

    BubbaEuler Private E-2

    Ran Super and MalwareBytes, both and no problems showed. BTW, they do not run at Boot and do not scan until manually started!
  6. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Yes, that's normal, they call them 'on demand' scanners. They don't run all the time so cannot stop malware getting in, only remove it afterwards.

    As to uninstalling it, if you are running a 32 bit system you could install Revo Uninstaller and see if that can accomplish it. Revo normally runs a program's own uninstaller first and then attempts to clean up the leftovers, though as MSE doesn't appear in Control Panel at all it may not succeed.

    BTW, did you update the two scanners before running them?
  7. BubbaEuler

    BubbaEuler Private E-2

    I used IObit's latest Uninstaller 3 beta and it found it and uninstalled it and then ran a deep scan and found items in the registry. Upon reboot, I'm back to normal. Clock cycles usage is low, again. Thanks for your help, Earthling.

    Bubba Euler
  8. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Good result but hope you've installed new AV already ;)

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