Musicmatch 9.0 Radio Stream Disconnecting

Discussion in 'Software' started by m82492, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. m82492

    m82492 Private E-2

    I downloaded Musicmatch 9.0 over the weekend and I subscribed to the Platinum streaming radio subscription. Great service! Only problem is it disconnects me from the stream every 30-40 minutes. I've been working with their tech support since Friday with no resolution. So far I have deleted my Temp Internet Files and Cookies, increased the cache for the radio, reinstalled the software, tried an earlier version and got the same results. When it disconnects I get an error that says Invalid Log File and it won't let me log back in to any station until I shut down the software and restart it. I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me fix this. :rolleyes:
  2. krazykrl

    krazykrl Sergeant Major

    Can't be that great a service if it disconnects you unwillingly..... :rolleyes: JK

    What services and programs do you have running in the background?
    Try running something like Ad-Aware, just to be safe, it may minimize some programs you may not know are running. Also, what are you doing when this happens, do you run alot of programs at once or have something running that takes up alot of memory?

    Specs of your system will help as well.
  3. m82492

    m82492 Private E-2

    Let me's a great service while it's running because its crystal clear 200 some commercial free channels and I have the Lyra Wireless transmitters running to my stereo in my garage. Now only if it would stay on!

    When this happens I'm not running any programs. In the background I have Zonealarm as a firewall but that's about it. I do run Adaware regularly but I guess I should run it again just to be sure. I also run Bazooka Spyware Remover which is a great program. It hasn't caught any bugs since Friday. I run Windows 2000 with an Athalon 5xx something processor 256 RAM with a cable internet hookup. Not the fastest computer but well within Musicmatch's requirements. It's stumped their " experts " so far even after sending them the error logs the program keeps. I'm just kind of stuck on the " Invalid Log File " error I get. There's got to be something to that.
  4. m82492

    m82492 Private E-2

    Anyone have any ideas?

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