"My Computer" Folder View Needs Correction

Discussion in 'Software' started by Tom K, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Tom K

    Tom K Private First Class

    Hi MajorGeeks :wave
    Last night, while attempting to use a new modem (which seemed to be the cause of multiple crashes :confused), somehow the "My Computer" folder view lost its' usual format. All the icons were displayed as they are in any other folder. So I attempted the settings "View> Arrange Icons by> tick Type and check Show in Groups" setting, but it is still not formatted correctly. I am attaching two .gif screenshots. The "Good" one shows it from when it was correct, and the "Bad" one shows it now using the "Show in Groups" setting. If someone here could please assist me in how to correct this. Thank you so much.

    Attached Files:

  2. Amjad

    Amjad Corporal

    Good day,

    It's usual that some system icons are reverted back to generic icons when someone uninstalls a theme or some sort of an application, or in your case, the new modem (which means that you had to install a new driver)

    Anyway, the solution is simple. You need to repair/reset theses special icons (repair the ones that are damaged - for example, My Computer, My Documents, Control Panel, Folder, Printers and Faxes, Recycle Bin, Network Connections, Internet Explorer).

    There's a small freeware utility that would allow you to do it one by one, and it should solve your problem. (ShellIconFix)
    You can download it here: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/shelliconfix.htm
    and I also attached it in this reply.


    Attached Files:

  3. Tom K

    Tom K Private First Class

    I'm afraid this solution did not work.
    The problem is not with the Icons themselves, but their arrangement in the folder.

    And I did not install any drivers for the modem. I may have to in order to get it working, but as of now there are no new drivers installed. I am corresponding with the manufacturer on how to make the modem compatible with my system because currently it is not and I am relying on my old modem.

    BTW: I am using NO routers. Only DSL modems.
    I downloaded it, extracted it, and ran it. I chose the closest option available, but all it did was repair the "My Computer" Icon (which was not damaged anyway), but the icon arrangement in the folder remains unchanged and incorrect.
  4. Tom K

    Tom K Private First Class

    Hey Guys! :wave
    I just corrected the problem :cool I don't know how I missed it, but I'll tell you how I did it for the benefit of anyone with a similar problem.

    While in the "My Computer" Folder: View > Arrange Icons By > Type. Also, make sure that "Show In Groups" is checked.

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