MYIE2 Still lingering around?

Discussion in 'Software' started by He who is S, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. He who is S

    He who is S Private E-2

    I uninstalled MYIE2 over a week ago, but for whatever reason, my computer still thinks I have it.


    Every now and then when I run RegSupreme, it removes invalid MYIE2 entries.

    Any idea what the problem is?

    Thanks in advance,
    ~ S

    Attached Files:

  2. Flasher

    Flasher Private E-2

    Looks like you set MyIE2 as your default browser, and then didn't change the default back to IE before removing it.
    Did you uninstall MyIE2 or just delete it's folder?
  3. He who is S

    He who is S Private E-2

    Everytime I run my registry cleaner, it has several myie2 entries. I searched for any left-over myie2 files and came up with nothing. I tried out that program, but for whatever reason, it didn't have myie2 listed so I could remove it.

    I may have uninstalled it while it was the default browser, but I'm not sure. I uninstalled, not just delete its folder.

    Thanks, thus far.
  4. Flasher

    Flasher Private E-2

    That is really strange... if you have uninstalled it, why the heck would it's entries keep showing up?

    I know that MyIE2 is "self-contained" and only places it's files in it's own folder, so if you uninstalled/removed MyIE2, it shouldn't be doing that.

    You could download the latest version, install it, make it your default browser, then "unmake" it your default browser... then uninstall it. That "should" solve your problem. (?)

    Have you tried posting your problem on the MyIE2 forum?
    The good folks there may be able to come up with a solution for you.

    MyIE2 Forum:
  5. He who is S

    He who is S Private E-2

    I reinstalled it, set it as my default browser, set Avant as my default broswer, then uninstalled MYIE2. The problems still remain. :\

    I'll be sure to post my question on the MYIE2 forums, soon.
  6. Flasher

    Flasher Private E-2

    Actually, you don't need to set another browser as your default browser to get rid of MyIE2. In fact, any browser will leave registry entries behind if you don't unset it as your default browser... and I think that's where you are running into problems.

    Try this:

    Install MyIE2 again
    Make it your default browser
    Close MyIE2, then reopen it
    On the Menu bar, click on the Options button
    Goto "Default Browser" and click on "Restore last browser default"
    Then close MyIE2, and uninstall it.

    I think it's the fact that you are not "Restoring the last browser default" that is causing the problem... I may be wrong though :).

    Here's a little tip I've learned over the years... never set any browser (Mozilla, etc) or browser-shell (Avant, Slimbrowser, MyIE2, etc) as your default browser until you've tried it out and decided to keep it. It will save you a lot trouble in the long run ;).

    Hope this helps :D
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2004
  7. He who is S

    He who is S Private E-2

    It didn't work. :\ Nothing changed.
  8. He who is S

    He who is S Private E-2

    I figured out how to make the registry entries disappear. The MYIE2 remains when I right click HTML documents, however.
  9. qwerty

    qwerty Private E-2

  10. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Because he installed Firefox? :D

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