Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 39434

Discussion in 'Software' started by chivaago, Nov 27, 2008.

  1. chivaago

    chivaago Private E-2

    Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 39434 | 5 ]
    A guide to the windows registry in help file format.

    Downloaded and installed this file and Comodo BOClean states that it is a Trojan.

    Attached Files:

  2. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Re: Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 3

    Are you advising us of this, or do you have a question around it that you would like answered, like "Is this a false positive?"

  3. chivaago

    chivaago Private E-2

    Re: Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 3

    I am just stating the facts as I see them. Comodo has been around along time;
    seems this program has been around as long. I went to this fellows website and was bombarded by constant flash in my face. You know the kind of web page that reminds you of walking down midway. Followed his pointers to get some answers and ended up on dead ends. And that was all of the time that I was willing to spend on what looks to me like assorted bunco.
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Re: Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 3

    The site in question has an 800 number displayed and is also designated as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner so I don't suspect it is selling bunco.
    I don't run a 98 or ME computer or I would run the program through my malware detectors.
  5. chivaago

    chivaago Private E-2

    Re: Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 3

    My bad.

    Your probably right.

    I'm sure there has never been a crook with a gold star.

    Attached Files:

  6. chivaago

    chivaago Private E-2

    Re: Mystery Behind Windows Registry - [2002-01-22 | Freeware | 199 KB | Win 9x/ME | 3

    This is an edit to the above statement:

    I did not want to be so harsh on the (I am sure he is much smarter than I) Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, so I did a google search on "Mystery Behind Windows Registry" and started clicking on links. I went through the first two google pages and was REDIRECTED each time to pages that were set up to look as if, when I clicked on the link, in nearest association with the words "Mystery Behind Windows Registry" I would be downloading said program, when in fact I was about to download a registry cleaner.

    The words "Mystery Behind Windows Registry" is bait, on a hook, to catch little fish, and if said fish is unlucky/unprepared and actually downloads the program - refer to attachment.

    Attached Files:

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