Need a program to transfer my settings

Discussion in 'Software' started by DanTekGeek, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    im going to be getting a new laptop, and cringe at the thought of going in and getting all the settings right on the new machine. Im not really looking for something to transfert data, but simply my system settings such as UI settings and performance settings. pleeasssse help me, worrying about it is driving me insane.
  2. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    i'm not sure if it will do everything you want... but isnt that what the Windows File and Settings Transfer Wizard is for?

    havent used it myself as i manually back up all my files and tweak windows from scratch... its like art;)

    but its worth a try
  3. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    i know its an art, and that is the thing. i have spent months and months tweaking this thing. imagine an artist trying to re-create a perfect painting.
  4. pegg

    pegg MajorGeek

    I asked this question before...go here for answers given to me:

    hope it helps
  5. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    thanks, thats waht i was looking for., now i just have to decide, alienware, falcon north west, or IBM

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