Need Hair & DVD Laptop Drive....WTF

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ArcticCat, May 20, 2007.

  1. ArcticCat

    ArcticCat Private E-2

    At 11:15 last night I pulled my last hair out. Are laptop DVD drive sales controlled by the government? Why are they so hard to find? My DVD drive went in my Gateway 7510GX and I'm having a hard time finding a reasonably priced replacement. A lot of them are used and the new ones I find are around $175. Is there a site/store/show/person that you recommend buying one from? TNX
  2. ArcticCat

    ArcticCat Private E-2

    Any favorite laptop parts or drive sellers?
  3. Puppywunder58

    Puppywunder58 Master Sergeant

  4. ArcticCat

    ArcticCat Private E-2

    I tried them, TNX. It's a DL drive and I only see used ones or new from the manufacturer. I'm getting prices like $173. and $202. The Geek Squad @BB (where the laptop was from) told me that the only place they know of is Gateway.
  5. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

  6. ArcticCat

    ArcticCat Private E-2

    Gateway does not carry this part?? How is that possible on a 2 yr old unit. They gave me these sites:

    Both have drives that are sold as refurbished!

    $229. and $199. Unbelieveable, 2 or 3 times the price of an external. I'm going to try and find out who actually makes the drive.
  7. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    Whats wrong with all the links that have been given to you? I dont see anything over $100.

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