Need help converting mp3s to wavs!

Discussion in 'Software' started by TheLowrider7077, May 23, 2004.

  1. TheLowrider7077

    TheLowrider7077 Private E-2

    Hi, I'm having a problem converting my MP3s to WAVs. When I try to get into the program of CDex, this message comes up: "Could not load the encoder libsndfile.dll. Make sure that you start CDed.exe where the DLLs are located. If you have created a short-cut, make sure the working directory is set correctly." Now I'm not very good with computers, and I have no idea what this means. I need some major help on what to do! Thanks.
    --The Lowrider7077
  2. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Hm. I'd download CDex and reinstall (the installer, not the zip version).
  3. billH

    billH Master Sergeant

    back when I was doing a lot of MP3 conversions this one worked okay and fairly fast. You might want to give it a look. :)
  4. King Edward

    King Edward Private E-2

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