need help monitor keeps restarting?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by aprilluv2, May 4, 2005.

  1. aprilluv2

    aprilluv2 Private E-2

    Ok this is driving me a tad nuts

    All day today while working my monitor keeps shutting off and restarting in a different size??
    I have no clue what is causing it?
    is a compaq that I caught used

    the system is Windows XP pro No service pack 2
    the computer is a home built one
    it I a AMD anthlon 2400
    1.99 GHZ
    80 gig hard drive
    1 gig memory
    with a radeon 9200 video card
    unsure what else you need but just ask

    Could someone have put something on here to cause this?
    I ran ad aware cleaned it out
    about to add spybot and run it too

    Any advice
    is appreciated
  2. rogvalcox

    rogvalcox MajorGeek

    Could be a bad video card driver!!!

    Try uninstalling and reinstalling the video driver!!

  3. ~Pyrate~

    ~Pyrate~ MajorGeek

    check the refresh rate and make sure it is compatible with your monitors resolution specs and lowering it if need be, you or something may have set it to a rate that which your monitor cannot produce the resolution you want so it switches it self automatically to lower resolution
  4. Olley

    Olley Sergeant

    i think it has to do with the video card or its drivers... some older screens turn off and back on when changeing resolution so i think ur pec is switching resolutions all the time.. try different desktop resolutions...u might get rid of it.
  5. aprilluv2

    aprilluv2 Private E-2

    thank you I will try it
  6. aprilluv2

    aprilluv2 Private E-2

    Thank You So much
    I am really unsure why the settings had changed on their own but then it may have been the kids.
    Anyway I hooked the So called broken one in changed display settings Now it is working perfectly fine
    I can not believe I almost spent money to buy a new one that was not needed.

    I can NOT thank you enough for saving me that money.

    Many Many Thanks,

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