Need Help Uploading To Webspace Using WS FTP Home

Discussion in 'Software' started by Copasta, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. Copasta

    Copasta Private First Class

    I have recently created a webpage for my family to update other family members who are not in our area, etc. I receive 10MB of free webspacing from my ISP cable provider (Adelphia). Here is the problem: I have written the code and completed the page, but I can't seem to get it to upload to the site. I used WS FTP Home to try to do this, but when I open IE to where the webpage is supposed to be, I get the "page cannot be found" message, as if it wasn't uploaded. I followed the instructions from both the WS FTP Home program and the support forum from Adelphia, to no avail. I contacted Adelphia support, and they say that "they don't offer support on uploading...only with the page once it's online". (Thanks alot, huh!). Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated. I don't have alot of knowledge about this stuff, and only recently took a course on how to build webpages....pretty neat, and actually easier than I expected, but uploading is a nightmare! Please help! Thanks!
  2. Raits

    Raits Private E-2

    I doubt this is the problem since you took a course, but is the front page named index.html?
  3. Copasta

    Copasta Private First Class

    Yes, it is named index.html.

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