Need Help with AdwareVirus Wintools

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by CrazyEyesPanthro, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. CrazyEyesPanthro

    CrazyEyesPanthro Private E-2

    My problem is this. Panda Active Scan from their site picks up that I have the virus, WinTools. I have done everything listed before posting a Hijack this file. Ive installed,updated, and ran all these programs following the directions. Still I get the pop ups. I have HIjack this installed, Ive went to the analyzer sites, and not much was told to me I fixed what it told me but I still get the pop ups! And Active Scan has listed WinTools is STILL there. Can anyone PLEASE help me asap I get off work soon and don't wanna have to leave this comp to the access of others.
  2. CrazyEyesPanthro

    CrazyEyesPanthro Private E-2

    I have to leave so I must attach the hijackthis log if not when I return to work tonight I will be waiting all night for help, sorry, I have done everything the turtorial has said and nothing was solved

    Attached Files:

  3. CrazyEyesPanthro

    CrazyEyesPanthro Private E-2

    I did as you told me. I could not locate a xdoffj folder at all, I made sure that I was looking for hidden things also. I checked thru both the Search option and went thru windows explorer, I couldn't find it. I still have the pop ups also.
  4. CrazyEyesPanthro

    CrazyEyesPanthro Private E-2

    A friend told me to install StopZilla, so I did. It ran and said it fixed a few things. The pop-ups seem to have stopped So far, which I am not sure if this is because if its been removed or if its just being blocked from sending the pop up due to StopZilla. The problemis, Panda's Active Scan, still tells me I have WinTools.
  5. CrazyEyesPanthro

    CrazyEyesPanthro Private E-2

    Didn't find the wintools in either place. Here is the new log, btw the first one about the, is our homepage since this is my works computer. So far I still have not had a pop-up, only problem that currently happened was an employee was playing a Javascript game, Runescape, and it crashed on him went to a blue screen that said there was like a BIOS error or something, it said it was dumping memory then loaded normal. I wasn't hear and I haven't seen the screen myself, all I can figure on that one is since this comp is old he was playing something that the comp didn't support. On load up it said there had been a thermal processor error or something of that sort, he couldn't remember fully. I don't think this is at all related to the Wintools, could be wrong, but its the first time I am aware of it happening. Anyhow here is the log from Hijackthis.

    Attached Files:

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