need help writing a batch file

Discussion in 'Software' started by red death68, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. red death68

    red death68 Command Sergeant Major

    i am trying to get a playlist for windows media player to open and begin playing for a preditermined amount of time then close out media player and run a secondary batch file here is what i have so far:
    the pause was strictly for checking the path to make sure it worked but the rest i gatherd from youtube and google

    any and all help apreciated
  2. red death68

    red death68 Command Sergeant Major

    nvm i found it through some digging on google for anyone who needs it here is the code i used:

    Start wmplayer.exe /play "C:\Documents and Settings\death\My Documents\My Music\My Playlists\all music.wpl"

    all in one line of course

    but i still havnt figured out how to close it after it plays the play list and start another .bat
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  3. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Here you can find the command line options. As you can see you can't use /close without /play.
  4. red death68

    red death68 Command Sergeant Major

    yes but it only stops the open media it doesnt close the window for me im running windows xp pro and media player 11

    those instructions were for 6.4

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