Need some advice please shutdown problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by Pozzydrive, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    Had to repair windows after a serious problem now everythings ok, running windows XP Pro, all I want to know is when I shutdown my computer it eventually gets to the stage where it tells me it is now safe to turn off the computer, whereas before it just shutdown completely, I much prefer this, can anyone please tell me how to re-configure it to do that, thankyou.
  2. malware killer

    malware killer Private First Class

    Look in the CMOS Setup (press the DEL key during POST to enter the CMOS Setup, or whichever key(s) your system requires).

    Next, look for a section for power management; ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) and APM (Advanced Power Management) are two of the more common methods used. When enabled, one (or more) of those settings should allow you to do a complete shutdown; for specific details on which CMOS settings / options need to be enabled / disabled, check your motherboard manual.
  3. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    Hi malware
    Thanks for the prompt reply, Ok got into the CMOS settings and found power management, went into it and also found ACPI only it did not say enable or disable it said S1/Poss or S3/STR neither worked, also tried changing other settings in power management to no avail, looked in my paperwork and the only paperwork I have is like a quick guide wallchart type nothing about this on it, looked in other areas of the CMOS settings could'nt really see anything that would make a difference and too much to write down although if I have to I will, anything else I could try?
  4. malware killer

    malware killer Private First Class

    Well, if you could positively ID your motherboard for us, we might be able to find a user's manual on the 'net (probably in .PDF format).

    If you don't know the specific details about your motherboard, download Everest Free Edition from here:

    Save the file to your Desktop, or someplace where you can find it easily. Then double-click on the file to install it. Next, run Everest by double-clicking the green Everest icon. When Everest opens, look for the section in the left panel which will show the details about your motherboard. Click on it, then copy and paste the motherboard information from the right panel here. Once we ID your motherboard, finding the manual shouldn't be too difficult, depending on the age of your system...
  5. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    The quick guide says its a Gigabyte Socket A Motherboard GA-7VTXE/GA-7VTXH
  6. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    Just downloaded that Everest looks neat never heard of it, anyway it says my motherboard is a: Gigabyte GA-7VTXH
  7. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Check out MG Must have Free downloads
    for lots of other good stuff, including Everest. Bazza


  8. 12quidkidinnit

    12quidkidinnit Private First Class

    There is a registry entry that you can change which should resolve the problem.

  9. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    12quidkidinnit, If you have seen this before please disregard, WELCOME TO MAJOR GEEKS. ed
  10. 12quidkidinnit

    12quidkidinnit Private First Class

    Hi, and thanks. I never did get round to saying hello.
  11. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal


    Thanks for that, did change the registry as you suggested to no avail, still have to use the soft button to shutdown, I noticed that below power off after shutdown there was another registry entry called power off time out this is set to 0 does that need changed to a 1?
  12. 12quidkidinnit

    12quidkidinnit Private First Class

    There's this one. I don't know if will help but it may be worth a try.

  13. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal


    I'm afraid still no luck, tried that last suggestion, don't understand it, must be something to do with my repairing windows it must have overwritten some value or other? will still only shutdown with the soft button or switching off the power.
  14. Scousetechie

    Scousetechie Specialist

  15. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Great link, Scousetechie.:cool:

    Everything you ever wanted to know about shutdown, but were afraid to ask. :D :) ;) Bazza


  16. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    Still no luck, followed the instructions in that last link to the microsoft website, only managed to get my computer to reboot when I touched the soft button, so I decided to undo everything back to the way it was, well at least I think I did, so no further foreward, unless anyone can think of anything else, otherwise I will just have to put up with turning it off from the soft button, anyway thanks once again to all of you.

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