NEEP HELP QUICK PART 2!!! More details...

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Square Duck, May 20, 2004.

  1. Square Duck

    Square Duck Private E-2

    Ok I've tried to post this like 3 times and my stupid browser keeps overtaking me with the site http://f$%^-teens-russia. I just posted my hijackthis script as a new message and hopefully yall can see it.

    When my computer starts up: It automatically trys to connect me to to some random IP address by automatically popping up my dialup box...

    I then notice a small 1 inch long box pop up in the left bottom corner of my screen (right above the windows start menu) that says , internat, in the header. It goes away within a couple seconds followed by an Internet Explorer Script Error asking me if I want to continue running script on this page or not... URL: file://C:\Windows\wins2.hta

    Ok before all this I have ran all the NEWEST UPDATED versions of SpyBot, AdWare, AVG Antivirus, hijackthis, and CWshredder.

    My homepage is now STILL and it used to be http://line-plus

    I get random porn sites that pop up like the one mentioned above and another called http://ah-teens

    Yes this sucks. Most of the time the sites wont even load they'll just sit for a while at the bottom of the screen and you can't maximize them... but before long theres 20 of them at times.

    Also after being on the computer for a while.. .or mostly the net it seems... I get an application box to pop up with a big red/white X. It says a short message about some kinda memory error and after I hit OK a System Shutdown box comes up! It has this line in it... C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe' and this status code -1073741819. It gives me one minute to save things and you can't stop it!

    Im at the end of my rope here! I've ran All these software programs NUMEROUS TIMES over the last 2 days and each time it seems like they detect something new... I've had AVG detect dialer viruses and homepage trojans and other trojans every single time I've ran a full system scan. OH and the full system scan takes 35 min on this old G6-450 Gateway computer! :(

    Like I said everything is FULLY updated to the max. Things aren't as bad as they were but still very present. I hope my hijackthis script can spark up some kind of rememdy or maybe something I've said here! This is now my mom's computer and Im only going to be here tonight(5/20) and part of Friday morning (5/21), so I need help on any aspects of the things I've said in the next few hours PLEASE!! Thanks a bunch!
  2. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    It's best to keep things all in one thread.

    You have multiple nasties on your system: Sasser, trojans, etc. One of them may be blocking your AV from cleaning stuff.

    You've actually run updated SpyBot, Ad-aware, AVG, CWShredder???

    1st go to Windows Update and install all critical updates and SP1a.

    Then follow the instructions here for dealing with Sasser.

    Then go to -and- and fix whatever they find (if possible).

    Download this trojan killer and the latest definitions file here. It's free for 30 days use.

    Let's see where we stand from there.
  3. utilooty

    utilooty Private E-2

    Hi Square Duck, did you ever solve this? I seem to have picked up this damn 'INTERNAT' window which keeps trying to open web sites starting with http://www.dimattic...

    I've run all the scanners mentioned in this and other threads and it's fixed a lot of things but not the above. Love to know how you got rid of it. Thanks.
  4. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Please create a new thread with your problem instead of opening a thread thats almost a year old.

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