netgear wg311t

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by disk00, May 15, 2010.

  1. disk00

    disk00 Private E-2

    I think this might be more of a hardware problem, but I don't know.

    I have a NETGEAR WG311t wireless PCI card for my desktop, i was trying to install it, into my computer , which has Vista home premium 64-bit. I have tried going to the NETGEAR website to get drivers, but they dont do anything, and the little networking setup thing it comes with, does not work, doesnt even open up.

    So is there a driver im missing?

    ( the computer doesnt even recognize its plugged in, even though the lights on the card are flashing right now, so i know its getting power. )
  2. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

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