Network Connections Icons Disappearance

Discussion in 'Software' started by thagentleman, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. thagentleman

    thagentleman Private E-2

    I need some help restoring the LAN connection icons that have somehow disappeared. I was fixing my computer (you know how that goes) and I noticed that I could not establish a connection to the internet so I looked in the network connection folder and it is empty. If anyone has any suggestions I would deeply appreciated it. I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I cannot restore because i did not set one up.

  2. VoiD

    VoiD Corporal

    are your network adapter(s) still enabled/functioning correctly? you said you were fixing your pc maybe you dislodged it or something of the like

    COMPUABLE First Sergeant

    >> I noticed that I could not establish a connection to the internet so I looked in the network connection folder and it is empty. If anyone has any suggestions I would deeply appreciated it. I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I cannot restore because i did not set one up. thagentleman <<

    This link should help you (assuming you're using Win XP):

    MSKB Article ID: 825826
    How to troubleshoot missing network connections icons in Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP

    Note: Just a small tip here. In the future if you whenever you post; be sure to include a few details about your particular system (like the operating system you're running, etc). This makes diagnosing your problem much easier, not to mention with much less chance of receiving erroneous tips that might not work or may even damage your system! ;)

    Good Luck!
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2006
  4. thagentleman

    thagentleman Private E-2

    I am sorry for the lack of information. I will definitely try this when I get home. I am using windows XP but to answer your question the card did not dislodge because I was working with the software.
  5. thagentleman

    thagentleman Private E-2

    The icons are even gone in my device manager so I cannot begin to troubleshoot my first problem.:eek:

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