Networking a TiVo

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ronhenson82, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. ronhenson82

    ronhenson82 Private E-2

    I'm sure this question has been asked some way or another, and i am a newbie to this board, so here goes, what i want to do is network my TiVo in with my highspeed internet, which i know can be done and how to do it under normal circumstances, ie hooking it up thru a router, but the kind of highspeed that i have to get is the one provided thru my cellphone company that uses cellphone towers to get the info across. i will be using this card with a pci to pcmcia controller (its going in a desktop) and i was wondering how i would go about networking the TiVo to my computer, if i can use a router, just what would i have to do in general, not too sure bout networking since i have never had any reason to, never had anything but dial-up :eek: . so basically i was wondering if and how it could work, if you have any further questions i can try to answer them.


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