Neverwinter Nights 2 Performance ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by 20Valve, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. 20Valve

    20Valve Sergeant

    Greetings -

    I have an AMD 64 4000+ with 1 gig o' ram and a BFG 7900 GS. The majority of reviews voice concerns over performance. I am soooo tempted to pick this up. What is your real-world experience with the game?

    I will be happy with high detail at 1024 x 768 and minimal antialising if any. For the record, I enjoyed the first version, expansions included. Although the graphics were a bit bland, plenty of extra user made stuff kept things interesting.

    Thanks for any info.

    Sorry - I meant NWN 2, not the original!
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  2. Orbital57

    Orbital57 Private First Class

    Well I'm running a single core AMD 64 3700+ with 2 gig RAM and an ATI x800 xl (256 mb) and I have no problems running it at all (on slightly higher settings than you suggest).

    You may not have as much RAM as me but everything else you have is better, I say go for it.

    It may be that there are more than the normal number of compatibility issues with NWN 2 but I think a lot of the complaining out there is people 'only' getting 80 frames per second on a benchmark (or trying to run 8x AA etc). Best ignored, use the right settings and don't expect to max out the graphics on any game.
  3. ShockTroop

    ShockTroop Specialist

    Initially there were huge performance issues, especially with shadows. Even on the best systems the game couldn't run smoothly at max settings. After patch 1.03, the performance has improved significantly, so I don't think you'll have much trouble.
  4. 20Valve

    20Valve Sergeant

    Thanks for the replies guys. I don't need 80 fps. 25 is fine with me!

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