new build couple of questions

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by rdx200, Mar 11, 2006.

  1. rdx200

    rdx200 Private E-2

    i have build myself a new computer and i have a couple of questions if someone could help

    i have 4 gig or ocz ram i have been told i have to much i have build this computer for gameing and working with audio and video my question is have i got to much and why does it show up as 3.25gig

    also the only thing from my old computer i used was to old maxtor hard drives so im looking to buy a new hard drive what would be the best type

    windows media center 2005
    motherboard lanparty ut rdx200
    cpu amd athlon 64 fx-60 dual core
    ram 4 1 gb sticks ocz Platinum dual core pc3200
    graphics card sapphire radeon x1900xtx
    sound card sound blaster x-fi xtreme music
    psu hiper type -r series 580w
    dvd burners 2 sony dru-810a
  2. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    It only registers as 3.25 gigs because XP only supports that much, when Vista comes out it will support far more than that amount of RAM i believe.

    ps. holy crap dude, thats like one of the nicest setups ive ever seen, musta cost u a fortune....
  3. rdx200

    rdx200 Private E-2

    cheers viper it took about 3 months saving

    is there someone that can give me some advice on what type of hard drive would be best for my system
  4. Tubnotub1

    Tubnotub1 Private First Class

    My suggestion would be dual Western Digital Raptors in RAID 0. These are great HDD, and come in 36, 74, and 150 gig flavors. Personally, 148 gig is all i can ever imagine needing on a rig that is soley for gaming As an owner of said setup, i can attest to the fact that whenever playing BF2 i am ALWAYS the first person on the map! Pros? I always get the chopper! ;D Anyways, if ur not worried so much about speed u can always get 2 7200 RPM drives and RAID 0 them, which will be plenty fast, just not as fast as 2 10000 RPM raptors in RAID 0! MSRP of the 74 gig raptors is currently ~ 150 a piece (american). Good luck making your decision, and damn, nice rig!

    Click Pic for Specs.
  5. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    XP supports 4GB of RAM, not 3.25.
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Which is ultimately the problem. XP supports a total 4gb of physical memory and guess what? It counts your paging file into that equation ;)

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