New MOBO and CPU, no boot, fried CPU?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Locian, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Locian

    Locian Private E-2

    I made a post last week:

    My current specs are:

    OS: Windows Vista Ultimate
    Motherboard: Dell OYC523
    CPU: Intel Pentium 4 630 3.0 ghz
    Hard Drives: 1) Hitachi 75 gb (operating system)
    2) unknown 500 gb (programs/games/etc)
    Memory: 4x 512 mb PC2-4300 266 mhz DDRII
    PSU: Zalman ZM500-HP ATX2 500 Watt
    GPU: XFX GeForce 8800GTX 768MB

    Non-bootable new specs:

    OS: Windows Vista Ultimate
    Motherboard: ASUS P5Q SE
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 ghz
    Hard Drives: 1) Hitachi 75 gb ATA (operating system)
    2) unknown 500 gb ATA (programs/games/etc)
    Memory: 4x 512 mb PC2-4300 266 mhz DDRII
    PSU: Zalman ZM500-HP ATX2 500 Watt
    GPU: XFX GeForce 8800GTX 768MB

    And I have run into some problems:
    When i finally installed all the components in the new case with a brand new CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 ghz and a brand new ASUS P5Q SE, the machine doesnt do anything, the lights come on, the fans starts working, a very brief flash on the CD-Drive LED, but nothing else.

    What I suspect is the CPU is not functioning at all, since all my other components are working fine on my current machine, I can rule out faulty RAM, Video card, HDD etc.

    I Have checked the MOBO, with No RAM and it give the indication of no RAM installed, so I dont think the MOBO is faulty.

    Things to do: Make a series of boots with some components not connected:

    1) Only RAM and Video installed on boot.
    2) Individual RAM boots.
    3) Various other components disconnected when booting, if the above works.


    1) Could it be because I have 2 HDD installed on the boot, that it wont fire up?
    2) Is the BIOS messed up, unlikely since it has never been fired up?
    3) Are there any things I have overlooked?
    4) Are the CPU just dead, unlikely since it has never been used before?
    5) Is the MOBO wasted, unlikely, never been used before?

    One note though, I have tried the CPU on my current MOBO, and the same thing happened, but I'm pretty sure my MOBO is incompatible with the cpu, could this have fried the cpu?
  2. xmeister

    xmeister Private E-2

    Looks like all your hardware should be good.
    Although the board doesn't support that ram officially it should still boot or at least post. It will be a bottleneck though as mentioned in you other thread.
    So your getting no post or anything?
    Have you tried your old P4 in the new board?
  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Yeah, try the old CPU in the new motherboard. This should tell you right away if the board is good. Make sure you have all the power connectors plugged in completely. Some newer motherboards have extra power connectors that many people overlook. I looked at your board at the Asus web site and it appears you just have the 4pin and the main 24pin power plugs. Make sure the video card power plug is connected; make sure the CPU is installed correctly and that the CPU fan is installed correctly and plugged in to the correct power header. If none of this helps, disconnect all drives (CD drives and hard drives) and power up using only the keyboard, one RAM stick, CPU and video card. If this works, go in to the BIOS and check all the settings. Then power down and unplug the power cord (do this EACH TIME you swap out a part) and install a 2nd RAM stick or a CD drive. Then gradually add each component, one or two at a time. If the PC stops powering up, you'll know which component is at fault. Also, check the motherboard standoffs. If you have an extra standoff in a spot where one isn't needed, it can short the board and cause the exact symptoms you described. Hopefully -if there is and extra standoff or two- the motherboard didn't get damaged.....
    Good luck! Keep us posted!
  4. Locian

    Locian Private E-2

    Okay, have a small update:

    First tried to boot with PSU, CPU, Video Card and keyboard - No result.

    Next tried with my old CPU, the P4, video card and keyboard - No result.

    So I'm looking at a faulty MOBO, or is there something else I can try?
  5. Locian

    Locian Private E-2

    Ooops, forgot to write I had 1 RAM stick in it as well...

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