No Signal To Monitor out of NO WHERE & No Threads Here Help

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by EnchantedDreams, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    I tried looking at all the other threads in this forum but they aren't helping...

    My computer was working fine
    Was working AWESOME!!

    Then out of no where boots up but no signal to monitor.
    All the fans working ... hear the hard drive spinning...
    No beeping.


    I have on board video ... no video card.

    I have taken out cables.. cleaned everything ...reconnected.

    Nothing works.

    Tried THREE monitors!! Same thing!!

    And now I have a pc from a friend who said the same is happening to thier computer out of the blue and they don't have internet at all so it couldn't have come from being online.

    What is wrong?

    It's so frustrating! Everything SOUNDS normal but there's NO SIGNAL!

    Please help me...

    I'm going insane!

    I can't stand being cut off from the world like this... I had to borrow this laptop to make this post. I have health issues that keep me bedridden. My pc is my only window to the world.

    Please please please tell me there's a way to fix this without costing money...

    You guys always have the most amazing solutions and I put my faith in your hands again...
  2. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Anything in safe mode (F8) immediately and repeatedly after starting machine?

    Do you see any POST screen before Windows starts?
  3. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    When you boot, does the monitor display anything? What I mean by this, does the bios boot screen show up?

    I assume you've tried safe mode?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
  4. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    when it first turns on
    the monitor shows the logo screen for the company moniter (ACER)

    Then it goes black

    then it says NO SIGNAL and idles in blackness

    the computer runs still but nothing happens.

    I can't get boot log for going into bios

    it blacks out too fast
  5. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    I hit the bottons immediately and then it goes to blackness
    nothing happens

    how do i start it in safe mode if I can't see anything?

    so frustrating and you have no idea how much this means to me guys... thank you! You all, by far, are computer gods!!!

    I have faith in you!
  6. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    At least you are getting something on the monitor which would make it seem that it is a Windows setting that is causing the problem.

    Just to be sure can you enter BIOS or the Boot menu? Try F2 or Ctrl+ALT+Esc during the Acer logo. See if you get any options menus. Don't change anything just see if you get a menu.

    What model Acer is it?
  7. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    can't enter boot menu or bios

    how do I tell what model the acer is?
  8. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    Is there anything I can do?

    It just boots up and keeps running

    The acer logo shows for a second or two on the monitor

    then goes to the NO SIGNAL

    Is this a hopeless cause?

    I'm truly starting to freak out
  9. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    I'm trying to think this one through. You are getting a splash screen but no setup menu. It would help to know the exact key combination for entering setup/BIOS to verify that you can or can't get see the menu since it is pre-Windows enviroment. Try hitting delete key during the Acer logo and maybe F10. Between F10, F2, ctrl+alt+esc and Delete one of those should be the combination.

    You said you tried 3 monitors was any of them a CRT? CRT are the best for diagnosing video problems since they most reliably display basic VGA settings like the logo and setup screens.
  10. LI_Geek_95

    LI_Geek_95 Post-and-Run Geek

    Maybe it's the monitor's splash screen? When I first turn on my monitor it says Dell Genesis Display Perfection, my monitor has a splash screen too.
  11. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Hmmm, I never thought of that. Thanks zDawg!

    Is the monitor an Acer?
  12. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    I have tried THREE different monitors that worked fine on other computers.
    A gateway monitor
    a dell monitor
    and this acer monitor

    none are crt
    all flat screen

    i have tried 3 different power cords and cords that connect the monitor to the pc
    i have tried every combination of those cords possible

    i have also tried mmost of those bios buttons like f12 and delete and etc


    the computer sounds like it's running fine
    fan going
    hard drive making normal sounds

    i just can't get into the boot screen cuz it won't show up on monitor ... the logo shows and then it goes gray and then after a second it goes black and the no input found pops up

    I am going insane!!

    my friend is having same problem with a different computr ... gateway.

    mine is an acer.

    this friend doesn't have internet and we've never been networked and we haven't shared shared files or discs or anything so the two puters have never been connected.

    it's a random coincidence that his puter broke at same time mine did ... his was a week earlier

    I just don't understand what to do
    I even switched mine to a other harddrive i had that also has never seen either computer.

    i appreciate it all of this help ... i am seriously going nuts.
    I'm disabled and can't move much or leave the house ... this is my only connection to the world and i can't stand just sitting here and i don't own a tv.

    so this is my only hope of staying distracted and occupied.

    please please continue to help me fix this.

    i appreciate each and every one of you helping me so much thru this. Thank you for being so fast in response.

    it means the world to me!

    Thank you for always being here for me!

    Bless you all!!
  13. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If it's only the Acer monitor that shows the Acer screen than it could be a problem with your onboard video. I guess the other monitors show nothing at all?

    I think what I would try would be to reset the CMOS to defaults. Connect it to the monitor that you regularly use with that PC. Unplug the computer and take out the small coin shaped battery for 5 minutes and then put it back in, plug in and start it up.

    See if you get anything on the screen. It should give you a message about setting date and time and accepting BIOS defaults.

    I can't think of anything else to try since your not seeing anything. Unless you have a bootable CD around like a Windows installation CD. You could try starting the computer with that in the tray and see if you get anything on the screen.
  14. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    thank you!

    now do I keep the monitor plugged into the computer and keep it on? Or do I unplug it from the wall too?

    And what does the battery look like and how do I remove it?

    again thank you so much! You are giving me such hope!
  15. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    You can just turn off the monitor. But unplug the PC. The battery is probably lying flat on the motherboard. Usually there is a little spring clip holding it in place. You just push the clip back and remove the battery.

    Something like this or this. Ocassionally they will be upright like this.
  16. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    ok i have monitor plugged into computer but turned off and computer unplugged from wall.

    finally got the battery out... was a bitch!

    now I wait 5 minutes and then replace battery
    the one that has the numbers on it goes up and the blank side goes down

  17. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    That is right. Just put it back in and start up.

    Let me know your PC model number just for reference to see if I can find what type of BIOS you have and what screen options are available in case you still get no picture. The model number should be on a tag on the back.
  18. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    I did all that and I even used a battery from a known working computer and monitor and it still didn't work!!

    I'm in tears!!:cry

    I think there is no way to fix this and i have no money to buy a new old one.

    I'm so sorry for being so emo but really... it's all I have left in my world.

    Why would this happen tho? it just doesn't make sense to stop working out of the clear blue sky like this.. :confused
  19. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    it's an ACER Aspire M5640


  20. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    It certainly sounds like a problem with the onboard graphics. A fairly cheap graphics card could be found for around $50, which would have it's own chip and a new connector for the monitor.

    At the moment I can't think of anything else, you eliminated a monitor problem and since all the fans are running etc. the motherboard is still functioning at some level. I'll post back if anything comes to mind.
  21. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    One quick question since the PC is also an Acer do you get the Acer logo on all the monitors or just the Acer monitor?
  22. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    both pc and monitor are Acer ... it was a package deal.

    I just tried using a video card from a friend of mine and it did not help. I also tried HIS monitor and HIS battery and still won't work. :(

    this is absolutely horrible!:cry
  23. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    OK, but does the acer logo flash on a non-acer monitor? I'm trying to figure out if the Acer logo is coming from the PC or from the monitor. If you use a non-acer monitor and get an Acer logo that would tell us something.
  24. EnchantedDreams

    EnchantedDreams Specialist

    I gave up and just kinda built a frankinstein computer with parts from other old computer parts ... the monitor works perfectly now. I never solved what the problem was. I even replaced the battery. Tried different hard drives .. motherboards... cables and power sources as well as vid cards. Nothing worked. :(

    But now that I went to a different motherboard with all those other parts from other computers ... the acer monitor is beautiful. :)

    Thank you for all your help! Seriously! You made a difference in my sanity this weekend. :)

    You totally rock!!! :D

    Yet again, Major Geeks does NOT disappoint!! :drool

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