non-booting and invisible RAID 0 drive

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by jerry5757, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. jerry5757

    jerry5757 Private E-2

    Built a sytem 2 years ago with MSI K8MM-ILSR mother board, AMD 3000+ processor, 2 samsung SATA drives in RAID 0 array, egva video card, 1 Gig memory, Windows XP Home. System has been operation almost 2 years without a problem. No changes to hardware or software before the problem started.

    All started with blue screen while trying to load gagpkx30.sys file. In trying to fix that problem I started running into (or created another problem) being unable to boot from the drive at all. Now can't get operational to even try to fix the original problem (by renaming or recopying gagpkx30.sys into the windows file).

    Problem is the drive is not visable except in the bios or from a utility program with it's own operating system. Higher in the system from windows recovery console the drive is not visable and when I've put an old drive with another Windows OS in and the drives are not visable.

    Flashed the bios, no change.

    Strategy from this point is to try to see if the drives will be visable from another utility (UBCD?) and copy the data to another drive. (I do have these drives backed up but would rather try to salvage the drives since they are a little more current than the back-up, and would rather avoid rebuilding and re-installing the OS/partitions/etc.)

    So . . . just looking for any other ideas before I go into salvage mode and possible replacement of MB.


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