noob ? - forceware drivers???

Discussion in 'Software' started by djtool, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. djtool

    djtool Private E-2

    I'm a little confuse what the 'forceware' drivers are for. When i select a new driver for my 5200 I select the graphics driver field at nvidia. I don't think i'm suppose to select the 'forceware' drivers, but I am curious as to what they are for.

    clarification please??
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Forceware are what you want for any Nvidia card. What they are is reference drivers from Nvidia.

    Now, here is the problem, if you will. Most people who sell Nvidia drivers typically just offer them to you for download. In RARE cases, they modify the drivers, sometimes nothing more then adding their name to them. Useless. So, unless your card provider modifies the drivers, you dont need their version. They can also be slow at getting these updated drivers and often dont bother at all.

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