Norton did not uninstall with tool

Discussion in 'Software' started by Pete22, May 4, 2009.

  1. Pete22

    Pete22 Private First Class

    My friend brought over her computer that was running slow.

    It's a security nightmare.

    4 versions of Norton antivirus, that she thought she had removed.
    1 mcAffee antivirus.
    Windows firewall
    no malware remover
    she was using the administrator account
    There were no passwords to anything.
    Tons of Malware and viruses

    Current status:

    The Good:
    I got all the malware and viruses off.
    Got McAffee off.
    Got avast on.
    Got PC firewall on.
    Got thee versions of Norton off with the tool
    Turned off Guest account
    put passwords on all other accounts

    The bad:

    I have programs that refuse to "stay dead."
    Still have one Norton the tool will not remove. Do not know which version.
    I am most concerned about Norton because her yahoo mail says it is still
    scanning with it. I don't believe it could still be protecting her.
    She gets lots of attachments that she opens in her email.

    Is it hopeless now. Do I need to reinstall? :confused

    The drive is partitioned and it says that the D drive is a backup.
    If it is a backup of current stuff I don't want to even touch it.
    How can I tell if it would help me?

    The computer is a HP Pavilion Media Center dv5163d Notebook PC.
  2. samtal

    samtal Corporal

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