Norton IS expiring soon.

Discussion in 'Software' started by stevo4, May 3, 2006.

  1. stevo4

    stevo4 Private E-2

    My NIS 2004 Firewall and Antivirus software is expiring in about 12 days.

    Getting tired of this software and want to try some of the newer things found here for free. (Not adversed to paying for the software, but would like to try it first and make sure there aren't any issues).


    What is the latest consensus for the best combo of AV and Firewall software.

    I am using a Toshiba Laptop, Sat. pro 6100 with Windows xp pro. I expect to completely uninstall NIS before installing anything new and have already backed up my system if anything should go wrong.

    Note: Although i spend a ton of time on the computer and know my way around pretty well, i don't consider myself an expert when it comes to the deeper levels of programming, etc. so if one piece of software invovles a lot of tweeking or understanding, then that may not be the best for me. Hope this info helps.


  2. zephra

    zephra Private First Class

    My NAV 2003 Antivirus firewall expired in Jan 2006.I now have AVG Free Antivirus and Zone Alarm free Firewall.I could not be happier.
  3. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

  4. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Lol guess your all set then
  5. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    I have been using these two for a long time, no problems. :)

    We have a couple of Removal Tools for Norton's if you have any problems there.

  6. Kniht

    Kniht Sergeant

    There are many good combos of firewalls and anitvirus.

    I use Kerio4 firewall with NOD32 antivirus. Find the two compatible and not a lot of resource usage.

    Neither of which are free, although when the trial of Kerio4 runs out, it still has great protection as a basic firewall, just a few less bells and whistles.

    This, of course, is just my opinion.
  7. stevo4

    stevo4 Private E-2

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will see give them a try.

  8. MellowMan

    MellowMan First Sergeant

    I recommend getting NOD32, it has one of fastest scanning engines, very high detection rate, very light on system resources, and only cost $39 dollars for the first year, then $29/year after that.

    before going with a free solution you should check out this:
    select "online results" then select "february 2006" online results
    (they won't let me link directly to that page, sorry)

    also I recommend going with zonealarm for your firewall.

    good luck.
  9. MellowMan

    MellowMan First Sergeant

    you must go to the home page of the website first, thanks.
  10. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

    norton 2006 is the worst anti-virus software i've ever used.. and nod32 is what i currently use and i'm real happy with it. it's very small (it uses under 1MB of memory on my computer), scans quickly and picks up A LOT! i would try out the 30 day trial version.
  11. stevo4

    stevo4 Private E-2


    Ok. So i installed Zone Alarm and NOD32. So far so good, execpt...

    I have found that ZA is preventing audio from playing on a particular site. I think i have isolated what's causing it, but can't figure out why, or how to customize the page so it doesn't affect every other webpage.

    I was wondering if someone here with ZA could go and check out the particular page and see if you can here the audio.

    The page is a 'myspace' page and the song will automatically start playing when the page completely loads (may take 15 seconds or so).

    For background: I start by opening a fresh IE browser and deleting the online and offline content. Then i go to the website. I have gone to the ZA sitelist and allowed everything but still no audio. If i go to the 'Privacy' page and click on the 'main' tab, i have to turn off the cookie control and the ad blocking completely to get the music to play. If i go to the ad blocking and click on the customize button, i have to uncheck both the banner and popup/under boxes to get the music to play. If i check either one of them, then no music plays.

    I just can't figure out how to get this to work without totally leaving my computer open.

    Also, when i used NIS 2004, i could 'cheat' the system by right clicking the NIS icon in the sys tray and then load the page, then re-enable NIS. Next time i would return to the page, no problems with the popup window (not an advert) starting. Don't seem to have the same luck with ZA.

    Would love any feedback.


  12. hawklord

    hawklord Master Sergeant

    hi, i have zone alarm free and had no problem with the sound on the link, i can try and help if i can
  13. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

    I would have to say NOD32 as well not only is it very light on resources but also has one of the best scanning and detection processes, but it can be a bit fickle to set-up properly, here is a link but DO NOT SET IT TO DELETE FILES AUTOMATICALLY, with any app always set for prompting for the removal of anything "suspect', even the best can generate false positives:

    Outpost FW Pro is also excellent.
  14. Draw7Seven

    Draw7Seven Private E-2

    As far as the myspace thing goes, it could be that it's blocking the site that the myspace loads that song from. Many people use song addons to their myspaces that actually just stream the song from another song hosting website, created just for that sort of thing... I think. I'm pretty n00b though.

    Anyways, perhaps perhaps perhaps the problem is that the site being blocked isn't the myspace page itself, but the address of the music server or whatever doohickey sends that song to the page.

    You'd never believe I'm in Cisco CCNA 2.

    But yeah, I'm usually wrong.
  15. Jazagod

    Jazagod Command Sergeant Major


    ANHEDONIC Will Title For Food

    personally I use Avast Home & Sygate Firewall.... Been using them for almost 2 years now... No problems.... Like both programs.......

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