Nortons Antivirus and Firewall

Discussion in 'Software' started by Bitzy, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Bitzy

    Bitzy Private E-2

    I recently upgrded to Nortons Antivirus 2007(and I had to remove Zone Alarm to install it) and I'm using a free trial of Nortons Firewall 2006. When I run the Nortons 2006 Firewall, I can't connect to the internet. I do not have Windows Firewall turned on. I've looked through all the settings but it always comes back to the Nortons Firewall preventing an internet connection.

    I've been to the Symantic site on a "variety" of issues and simply go round and round.

    Is there a Firewall out there that WILL work with Nortons Antivirus 2007 or should I ditch Nortons altogether and find an antivirus/firewall program that work cohesively? If so, what do you recommend?

    Bitzy confused
  2. YooperLady

    YooperLady Private First Class

    As most people here agree, Norton is a resourse hog. I would go back to Zone Alarm, as it is a fairly good firewall for being free. Also, AVG works just as well if not better than Nortons Anti-Virus. You can download both at:

    Zone Alarm:

    Just my 2 cents worth.

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