NVidia Control Panel detects Samsung T220 LCD monitor as CRT

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by BamBam13, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. BamBam13

    BamBam13 Private E-2

    Hi. :) I've been researching about this but have found no answers yet. :confused

    My brother-in-law recently bought a Samsung T220 LCD monitor and installed a Palit GeForce 8500GT Sonic video card with it. The problem is, the computer can't detect the monitor when the DVI cable is used. Using the VGA cable, the LCD monitor is detected as CRT and max resolution is 1280 x 1024, but the optimal resolution of the T220 is 1680 x 1050.

    We've already installed the latest drivers for the T220 and the NVidia graphics card.

    This is the second T220 he's brought in, he returned the first unit because max resolution was only 1440 x 900 on it. But it functioned properly when connected using the DVI cable and was properly detected as an LCD monitor in the NVidia Control Panel. It just wouldn't display at optimal resolution and an annoying reminder to set to optimal resolution kept popping up. Now it seems the replacement unit (T220) is worse.

    No settings have been changed in the computer. He just replaced the monitor with another unit of the same model. What could be the problem here?

    All we want is for the LCD monitor to display at its optimal resolution of 1680 x 1050 using a digital connection. Any ideas on how this can be achieved? Thanks. :)
  2. Appzalien

    Appzalien Staff Sergeant

    Have you considered the card might be at fault and not the monitor or drivers?
  3. BamBam13

    BamBam13 Private E-2

    Actually, we did consider that the video card might be at fault. That's why my brother-in-law changed the video card. The original card was Leadtek GeForce 8500GT TDH. Still couldn't reach optimal resolution.
  4. BamBam13

    BamBam13 Private E-2

    Problem has been solved. My brother-in-law took the whole system unit with the monitor and let the computer shop technicians solve the problem. He's not computer-savvy, and when he said they did something with F2, I took it to mean they changed some BIOS settings. :-D

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