Odd memory errors-need correct configuration

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Ghost_Rider333, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Ghost_Rider333

    Ghost_Rider333 Private E-2

    Hello all. First, let me say that I am dealing with some old equipment due to the failure of my primary PC (motherboard). Due to a lack of funds as a result of unemployment I must make do with what I have.
    What I have is an Albatron KX 600 Pro MB with 3 memory slots. I have 2 sticks of Corsair VS DDR PC2700 (512MB ea). What is happening is when playing online or one of my RTS pc games I get random crash-to-desktop or reboots. I also have poor response when watching DVD's-stutters, hangs, etc. I ran memtest and it came up with 2 errors. After reviewing the proper configuration in the MB manual I moved the sticks to slots 1 and 3 as opposed to 1 and 2. Still crashed. I tried testing each stick individually and ...no errors found on either one. But when I tried taking the advice of the manual and utilized slots and 2 and 3, still it crashed. I tried running with just one stick and crash. I'm gonna try using the other 2 slots with just one stick but my question is-does this sound like both identical sticks are bad, bad MB, compatibility, or a needed upgrade?? Any input is appreciated.
    AMD 1900xp processor
    256mb Radeon 1550 video card
    dvd drive
  2. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    Well it could be that individually the memory sticks are fine but together they just don't get along. But the fact that you still get a crash with one stick at a time (both of them?) looks like it could very well be the memory that is failing.
  3. Ghost_Rider333

    Ghost_Rider333 Private E-2

    Well I thought it might have something to do with how the sticks were installed (which slot setup is correct). I tried all the possible combinations but the crashes continued with both sticks installed. I had to go back to some older PC 2700 RAM that only gives me 512MB which sucks. They are installed in slots 2 and 3 and have not failed yet. They also passed the memtest scans. I guess that means the Corsair VS memory both went bad?? Seems weird that both would fail like that. Also note that I am using the default bios timings. I thought maybe that might be a way to fix this problem but I don't have a clue what settings would work best.
  4. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    If the memtest checks continually pass then I would start to suspect something else is causing the crashes but the fact you said memtest had showed errors originally but now seems to pass could mean you had a dirty connection.

    Have you tried one of the apparently failing sticks with the older PC2700 RAM?
  5. Ghost_Rider333

    Ghost_Rider333 Private E-2

    No, haven't tried that. I just figured if the older pair was passing the tests and no crashes were occurring that I better just stick with the setup that works. I might give it a shot later on just to see but I don't think the Corsair memory is gonna work for me anymore.
  6. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    Maybe it will, maybe it wont. But if you find that at least one works with the old memory you'll have 1Gb of RAM which is what you started with, even if it will run a tad slower.

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