Ok guys, i really need your help

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by DanTekGeek, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    my english tutors hard drive has become corrupt. the filesystem is shown as RAW. XP wont read it, neither will PE builder. Linux will show the files, but wont install on the drive. I dont know what else to do. Ive tried slaving it, ive tried bootable linux...i really need help. she is willing to pay up to a grand for data recovery, but its not like she has the money, and if there is any other way, id like to help her out.
  2. luma13

    luma13 Private E-2


    What happend when you tried to slave it? Did it read anything? When you slaved it were you able to defrag on the drive?

  3. krazykrl

    krazykrl Sergeant Major

    Need more details. Type of HD. Type of system you are trying it on.

    'XP won't read it' - What happened exactly? Did you look in the computer management?
  4. Kodo


  5. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    hard drive: maxtor 69gb
    os: windows ME(preveiously xp, she went back, dont ask why)
    fs: NTFS
    it gives a can not mount boot partition error when trying to start up at all. when slaving it, xp shows it as RAW/unpartitioned
  6. krazykrl

    krazykrl Sergeant Major

    Try the program Kodo just linked to, that sounds like a winner.

    Also, if the file system is NTFS, Windows Me will not recognize it. Are you sure she was using Me when it failed? Or perhaps the file system is FAT32?
  7. Kodo


    you do realize that ME can't read NTFS!!
    Put that disk into a PC with XP on it...
  8. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    could be. i switched the arrangment of my optical drives so that the dvd drive is master and cdrw is slave. i booted linux, and am going to try and burn the data. its all there, and accessable through linux.
  9. krazykrl

    krazykrl Sergeant Major

    Or WIN2K if XP is not available. ;)
  10. krazykrl

    krazykrl Sergeant Major

    I don't think Linux sees NTFS, it does see FAT volumes I believe. Someone else could verify that.
  11. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    yes! yes! **** yes! (sorry bout the language) i was able to burn through linux, its all fine! yay!
  12. DanTekGeek

    DanTekGeek Master Sergeant

    and yes, i had been putting the disk into an XP machine.

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