On boot "Resuming Windows" Black screen

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by L33t_SSF_Killa, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. L33t_SSF_Killa

    L33t_SSF_Killa Private E-2

    Been browsing the forums for a related post but couldn't find any for my issue?

    At random times when I start my computer up it heads to a black screen with a bar that says resuming windows after about three to five minutes. It starts up and runs smoothly no issues what so ever but was curious why this is happening so I can only assume it might be a hardware issue. Ran CCleaner and all my other nifty programs and Anti-Virus programs and came up with no problems so any insight into this issue would be nice.

  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    If you see "resuming windows", it sounds like the computer was not actually shut down but was either hibernating or sleeping.

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