On Network One Works, Other Doesn't

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by DreamJocki, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. DreamJocki

    DreamJocki Private E-2

    Someone asked me to look into why both computers on their network do not work, only one does. Both are WIN98, DSL with a HUB.

    Computer 1 has no internet issues or file sharing sharing issues. I can access computer 2's files from computer 1 and vice versa. However computer 2 will connect to Yahoo Messenger sporadically as it will web pages in both IE and Firefox sporadically.

    If I connect computer 2 directly to the DSL modem the same thing happens. After much hesitation the web page will come up but if I go to another web page it returns a page cannot be displayed and and messenger won't connect either.

    There is no Firewall installed on either computer, I've ran spy/ad ware which detected a couple of things which I removed. Computer 1 loads all web pages really fast even while computer 2 is returning a page cannot be displayed.

    Can anyone tell me something else to try? One thought I had was a virus of some sort, there is no anti-virus on computer 2. I can't get to a web page to do an online scan with it losing the connection. If I do get the page to load once I click on scan now it returns page cannot be displayed. :(

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
    ~ Lisa
  2. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

    The Modem is a Modem or a Modem/Router Combo.

    If it is not a Combo, you cannot connect two computers to a Hub and Share the Internet, unless you have two external IPs given by the ISP.

    On line AntiVirus scan are Big Lame Ducks.

    Download this free Antivirus installs it on one computer and use a USB flash drive to copy it and install on the second computer.


    In addtion install a Software Firewall and AntiSpyware.

    Link to: Assemble a Freeware Security suit for Internet Connection Protection.]

  3. DreamJocki

    DreamJocki Private E-2

    The set up they have in their office was working until a few days ago and then computer 2 started with the page cannot be displayed but yet Yahoo Messenger was working.

    I'll download the AV as suggested maybe that's the problem since it just stopped working from one day to the next.

    Thanks for the advice.
  4. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

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