Only RogueKiller and Hitman had malware hits?

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by chinajustin, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. chinajustin

    chinajustin Private E-2

    So I wasn't really expecting to find any problems on my computer, because I don't do the porn thing, and I don't download/run anything unless it's through here, FileHippo, or CNET... OK, take that back, there are a few things that I've had to install plug-in wise on IE because I'm in China, and they ONLY use IE here, but still.


    After helping out another foreigner here at the university I teach at and cleaning up (mostly) the school computer in her apartment, I decided to run the same malware cleaning programs on my Win7-64bit laptop. I've always used SuperAntiSpyware and Malware Bytes (one complete scan at the beginning of the month and each week a quick scan), so I didn't bother running those. TDSKiller didn't find anything, and I almost stopped there. But I did run RogueKiller, and it found a few registry entries that, apparently, are suspicious, and Hitman also found a few things. Actually, only one was listed as suspicious (a learning Chinese program I ripped from a disc we bought from a reputable company) so I'm not worried about that, it's just the other ones I want to know about.

    My computer hasn't been doing anything funky or running obscenely slow or anything, just these random finds by the two programs that I wanted to get checked out by someone more knowledgeable before I delete them through their respective programs. I've therefore only attached RogueKiller's log, Hitman's log, and then MGTools' log.

    Here's hoping it's no big deal like I figure it is. Anyone able to help? Thanks.

    Attached Files:

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You can have Hitman remove those Babylon and funmoods items. Otherwise, your fine.

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