oops DeletedDLLs, lost GIFs helpppp

Discussion in 'Software' started by Adele, Feb 18, 2004.

  1. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    I 'dumbly' deleted some DLL files and now I can't get my Windows to recognize any GIFs. The little icon that is next to the GIFs that I do have is a Windows icon that "A file Windows 98 doesn't think it recognizes" Please oh please oh..... well you get the idea...help ..please. hehehe.....ahemm.....please?
  2. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Adele, if you go to Start, Run, then type
    and click OK, Windows 98 will walk you through the process of replacing the lost files if they are in fact system files. It may take a while, and you have to say Yes or No a lot. If you have a newer version of a file, it's better to keep it. If a file is missing, replace it. If it's corrupted, replace it.

    Just hold on for a bit until somebody here who has done this thing in Win 98 within the last century comes by to help us out with this. I haven't done it in so long I've forgotten what's involved.
  3. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    A follow-up (from me again), ...

    You DO, of course, have the original Windows 98 installation CD, don't you?
  4. Shiver Me Timbers

    Shiver Me Timbers MajorGeek

    not sure if this might help, I bookmarked it incase I ever needed it, so far so good. Anyway here it is: http://www.dll-files.com/
  5. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    She's not gonna know the names of the lost files, timbers. I'd bet the store on it. It was a "dumbly" deletion, and she won't have a list.

    She needs somebody who has run System File Checker on 98 recently enough to talk her through it. It's not SFC /scannow in 98. It's just sfc. And it takes you through missing and changed files one-by-one for decisions. Did it YEARS ago.
  6. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    YES I do have the original 98 istallation cd :)
  7. G.T.

    G.T. R.I.P February 4, 2007. You will be missed.

    In Win98 you can get to it through the Start menu. Start>Accessories>System Tools>System Information (I think) then a drop-down menu from "Tools" on the top bar.... IIRC.

    I used to run it regularly to make sure stuff hadn't been overwritten by older software, as well as check for corrupted stuff. IIRC, it will check Windows System files even if you haven't run it before to build a history. Have the Win98 CD handy for file replacement.
    1 person likes this.
  8. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    Ya know...... I tried to just do what you have said. I only have Win98 nothing more special than that. And I'm not sure that all of what you told me worked. I did what ya said to. And Icould only get sooo far.
    :( THANK YOU THANK YOIU THANK YOU All the people that are helpin'
    AND..... everyone that has been trying to help me with this....
    I will be back tomarrow at noon......Oregon time.
    Dang....I 'll bet ya can sure tell that I am new at this. .....Sorry, I'll catch on quick ...I promise... ;) Adele

    I gotta do my daily chores and will be back in a few hours.
    Thanks everybody!! I really appreciate all the help!!
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2004
  9. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Oh yay! Thanks for dropping by, AS! I had forgotten about that, too.

    Adele has contacted me by PM, and I'm going to try to help her get things going again with SFC (IF system files are the problem) with, I hope, the help and guidance of the rest of the team here.

    What I'd like to know right away is what decisions she has to make in SFC on 98. For every file that is found to be different from the installation file, does it tell her whether the file is NEWER or not?
    Can it be set to just tell her what's MISSING?

    I might start another thread on this, to see whether I can find someone who has DONE an SFC on 98 recently (and who probably isn't reading this thread).

    Anybody here have any more instructions on SFC in 98?
  10. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Oh, i didnt know that 98 had SFC! i thought that was just a XP/2k thing. Learn somthing new every day eh? :)

    Hmm, just as a question, what could gif files open as normally..?
    I'm just thinking it could possibly be related to their entry in CLASSES_ROOT maybe? Maybe not if it was caused by deleteing some DLLs. Just a punt.

    But you could always try re-installing whatever you used to view gifs with before, as presumabley that would replace the DLLs, if they werent caught by SFC. again, a punt. Keep it up team! :)
  11. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Wow! Thanks to both of you, AS and Sushi! This is all coming back now.

    OK, she'll be awake in the far West soon and when she comes back, we'll have a go at :
    1. the viewer she was using before (if not the native Windows viewer, but I'll bet that's what she was using),and
    2. if still needed, running through SFC and saying yes to everything corrupted or missing, then going to WU and taking everything critical.

    Oughta do it, eh?

    (Yah. "If life were that easy, you wouldn't NEED MasterCard!")
  12. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    Ask and ye shall receive...

    Basic info: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;185836&Product=w98

    SFC baseline: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;188186&Product=w98

    Older/deleted files: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;182725&Product=w98

    Me too! I thought I knew 98 pretty well...:rolleyes:
  13. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Again, i didnt know 98 had a native picture viewer! gosh im a bit shakey on older versions of windows. Good info on SFC, alanc.

    I'll keep a look out for anything else I come across thats relevant
  14. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Well, I only remembered sfc on 98 because I had to USE it many times on clients' machines in about '98. I'd forgotten it could be run from a shortcut: thot it had to go from Run... sfc. But Run... sfc appears in alan's EXCELLENT finds (Thanks, man!) to be the best place to SET it.
    And as for the picture viewer, Goldie, I was only thinking of the old Win Media Player, which does, in fact mount and display jpgs and gifs (if you pat it nicely).

    Well, ain't you the man today!?
    So in all that (and I read every syllable), I get this that might mean sthg for our pictureless friend:
    OK, Well, Adele PM'd me that she had run sfc last night and she had run out of patience with it (and had gotten confused by it -- surprise! Good old MS utilities!). I THINK that means that we have effectively LOST it for getting back MISSING files, which is what we wanted to do.

    Unless somebuddy has a counter-suggestion, in light of what alan found out for us, I think I'll just help her get IrfanView and cross my virtual fingers.

    If a new viewer won't do it, I guess it's a repair re-install down the road.

    Feedback from the group?
  15. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    Sounds like a good idea to me. :)

    Besides, IrfanView is a good utility to have.
    1 person likes this.
  16. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Thanks, fisherman!

    Adele, y'all come on back here, ya hear? We got plaaans.
    Post in this thread when you're here, please. I'll try to watch (gotta do some annoying income-related work occasionally, and that distracts me from the good times), but any member of the team who has followed the thread can help you get and try a new viewer (which will come with its OWN new dlls, and will, we hope, fix everything for you).
  17. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    Ok here I am. I've been reading everything. Wow you folks have really got it goin' on!

    I'm confused but I'm sure I can make it through this if someone has alot of patience and holds my hand. And I swear I'm not a slow learner. ;)
  18. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    Ok....I'm on my way to get the SFC Baseline..:) Thanks alanc!

    Ah'lll Be Bahkkkk!!! (to be said like the terminator guy) haha
  19. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Well, no. The baseline is established by the Operating System and the first run of the System File Checker, but SFC doesn't record MISSING files until AFTER the first run. On subsequent runs, it reports files that WERE there on the first run.

    Bottom line: since what you did is delete some files, what we hoped we could do is not do-able: we thot we cd get SFC to tell us what was missing. It won't, because when you ran it last night for the first time, the missing files were already gone. If you had run it a year ago, we'd have a great little utility there that would tell us exactly what was missing today, but ... no.

    So, now what we're going to propose is that you download and install an image viewer that we all think is top quality, and it's freeware, too. We're hoping that it will have dlls to replace the ones you deleted that broke your ability to view gifs.

    That sound okay to you?

    First, We'd like to know what you were using to view gifs BEFORE it got broken. Can you tell us what program WAS opening gifs for you? If you can't recall, we'll help you find out in your File Types list, because it might be a good idea to re-install THAT program and try that before we try our recommendation.

    (Anyone here can take over any time, guys. I'll be back in about an hour.)
  20. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    Ok I didn't get to run the SFC last night....I was afraid to untill I knew more. Wheww (I think). I went to the support site and was reading through when I realized that it DID say that if I ran it then all would be lost. So I still haven't done anything yet. I screwed up enough by not knowing what I was doing.:eek: ......But, as far as I know it has never been run.
    This image viewer sounds quite fine to me.
    I have no idea what my gifs were using to be viewed.
    Just tell me what I gotta do.

    I got my chores I gotta go do I'll be back in a few hours
    You guys are so very helpfull THANKS!
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2004
  21. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    We all really love IrfanView (it's free) for image/picture viewing/converting/cropping/resizing, etc. It can install into Explorer's right-click context menu for viewing image files, and it has a really cool thumbs feature for managing whole folders of images. Give it a try! :)
  22. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    (alan, I think she shd just go ahead and try the IV, and let's forget about trying to find out what program she WAS using (since 98 didn't have a REAL image viewer .. and she might have been using just WMP).

    When she comes back, whoever is here can answer any questions she has.
    Adele, that's a LINK to IrfanView in alan's post. Go get it, install it, then open it. Click Options in the menu bar, Set file associations, then click the Images Only button, and OK at the bottom, and close the program.

    Now go into your files and see whether you can double-click a gif file and open it in IrfanView.

    If it doesn't open, you may have to reboot. If it still doesn't open, we'll have to try something else.

    If it opens and everything's okay, come back and tell us, pls. And, ...Come back with questions if you've got 'em.
    1 person likes this.
  23. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    A wise plan, Wise One ;)
    1 person likes this.
  24. Adele

    Adele Private E-2


    This is So Totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's been awhile......wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

    ThankYou ThankYOU THANK YOU ...... each and EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!!!!!!

    You folks are THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now....I am going to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    You're welcome, from all of us.

    We didn't really FIX anything; we just gave you a new viewer.

    Our general approach, though, is to at least TRY to FIX the problem before we just throw another program at it.

    Glad you got it. Bye, now. Y'all come back, ya hear?

    And keep you antispyware and anti-virus up to date, and USE your firewall. (And stop deleting dlls. It ain't healthy.) Bye.
  26. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    One thng I would have been tempted to do if I had deleted a few system dlls is to do a dirty install over the top.... it will leave your installed programs alone but will remove all updates and revert whatever settings you applied back to default.. so a trip to WU ( Windows Update ) and hardware manufacturers for drivers will be needed.

    Plus a backup of all important files and email addresses etc etc is a MUST!
  27. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    I just want to thank all of you who have helped me with my Problem. (Gee, it's startin' to sound like I am at the Academy Awards) hahahha

    I would like to thank .....The Wizewiz....alanc....goldfish....AbbySue...Shiver me timbers..... Halo......and ...G.T. ..... ............... ........


    All of you people Are The Best!!!!!!
    That IrfanView is sooooo much fun!!!!!!!
    Hahaha You can sure tell that I am a Private, huh? hahha
    Thanks again, I can't tell you just how much ya'll have made my house a happier home ...'cause I am a 'happy girl'!!!
  28. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    Everything is working awesome!!!! With IrfanView!!!
    I am a Very Happy Girl!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!
  29. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    We're happy that you're happy!

    Isn't IrfanView a cool proggie?

    P.S. Hey Adele, you type pretty well for a three year old ;)

    P.P.S. Yes, I looked at your profile :p
  30. wodnik

    wodnik Private E-2

    Similar problem with W2K

    Guys, I have a similar problem with W2K. I must have deleted something, since every time I try to print, the PC moans about missing DLLs. So - 2 questions my friends:

    a) how do I get sfc.exe in W2K(or an equivalent) to run a check. I tried running it from the startup/run menu, but all I got was a split second black window which disappeared before I could even read its contents, and nothing else happening.

    b) can I restore missing DLLs from some online source via a modem -I have the original W2K disk, but my Toshiba laptop has no in-built CD drive, only a USB port for external connection (I have no clue how the original operating system was installed, but presumably over a network??)



    (He who tries to walk on water - and drowns!!!)
  31. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    Open a command prompt (Start > Run > "cmd")

    and run "sfc /scannow"

    But if it finds system files that need replacing, you will need access to your Win2k CD

    If that doesn't do the trick, I would suggest starting a new thread so that your issue gets the full attention of the forum, and list your missing dlls by name :)

    [Edit] You might try reinstalling your printer drivers...
  32. Adele

    Adele Private E-2

    Hey alanc!!!!!

    Yep I will 'SOYTANLEE' say that IrfanView is tooo cool!!!!!

    P.s. My dob may be just a wee bit oof ....... don'tcha know..:D

    Psssst. I read yours too.:p

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