Outlook 2002 Deletes Group Names

Discussion in 'Software' started by RightGirl, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. RightGirl

    RightGirl Private First Class

    I have done this so many times.
    It's natural to click the X when you want to delete something but NOT the whole group.

    I have several groups set up in my Outlook (not express)
    Often I have to go in and delete a name.
    If I'm not paying VERY close attention, I click the X to delete a name and BAM the whole group has been deleted.
    In order to delete a name you have to click Remove
    Small unobtrusive box that says "Remove"

    Instead I, not paying attention, click X and the whole group is gone.
    I have finally gotten in the habit of printing the list so I can at least re-create the group.

    But I know you can set it to "warn before permanently deleting mail" when in the deleted folder, but is there a way to "warn before permanently deleting group"?

    HELP !!!

  2. merbo

    merbo Private E-2

    you can bring it back by restoring your computer to an earlier time. just go to system tools and run system restore. :)
  3. RightGirl

    RightGirl Private First Class

    I finally figured out a safe way to avoid the X in Groups/Lists in Outlook 2002....

    I removed the X from the toolbar.
    Now they ONLY option is Remove

    Voila !!!!


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