Outlook 2003 number of POP 3 accounts

Discussion in 'Software' started by Knowsum, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Knowsum

    Knowsum Private E-2

    I wanted to connect another email account to Outlook 2003. I have three POP 3 accounts at present and I have been told Outlook 2003 will not take more and so the email access was set up for me by linking my PC to a MS exchange server.
    I have two problems with this. The first is I must remember to connect to the site of the exchange server - OK, if I forget (which is frequently) Outlook does tell me when it is checking for email traffic that there is an error.
    The second is that the 'rules' cannot be set up or changed as I am not connected to the server.
    The question is 'is the limit of three POP 3 accounts correct?'.
    I will be grateful for any knowledgeable advice or guidance.

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