Outlook 2003 Registry Issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by sassyone, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. sassyone

    sassyone Private E-2

    I use Outlook 2003 for my email and recently changed my password. The box saying verify password keeps popping up. I called my isp and they helped me go into all the email options, which still has not fixed the problem. They said it was a windows registry issue. I called Dell (my computer is still under warranty) but they will only offer support on this for a fee of $99, due to the fact that this program did not come installed on the computer. Can anyone help me with this????:eek:
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

  3. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

  4. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    P.S Never pay these companies for support. Typically you have inexperienced people who read from a script. It can take hours to get to a better tech who can answer your question intelligently, usually these guys are set to tiers, you start at tier one and want to get to 3. Not worth it. Ask us or Google, save your money.
  5. sassyone

    sassyone Private E-2

    Thanks for the tip. I was quite stunned when they said it would cost $99!! I remembered I had bookmarked major geeks and thought I would give this a try:) The Enter Network Password is the box that keeps popping up. When I close it I get error 0x800cc92 "your email server rejected your login". What a pain!!
  6. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Open outlook:

    Click on Tools, email accounts, click change on the email account ye wish to change.
    Make sure all the info here is correct, and press Test account settings.

    This is the place to make sure ye are getting what ye need.

    BTW, is this email through your ISP, or do you have additional accounts via hotmail, or yahoo.?
  7. sassyone

    sassyone Private E-2

    Have done all that several times and it does nothing to fix the problem. This is the email through my isp. I do also have a yahoo webmail account (different address and password).
  8. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    So, when ye press the test account, it then gives ye the error?

    And you do have all the setting down pat?
  9. sassyone

    sassyone Private E-2

    Yep. Like i said before, what a pain!
  10. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Can you ping your smtp addy, and your pop3 addy?
  11. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    For instance I can ping my mail ISP, by doing the following:

    Click START, then RUN, then type in: cmd (press enter) (xp/vista/nt4/2k).

    ping mail.comcast.net


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