
Discussion in 'Software' started by geordie, Mar 20, 2004.

  1. geordie

    geordie Private E-2

    i cannot save any atachments in outlookexpress 6 all are greyed-out
    can anyone help

  2. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    Not quite sure i understand your question, but i know by default OE blocks a lot of attachments for security reasons
    To check this go to the tools tab in OE then security and uncheck the box
    do not allow opening or saving of attachments Apply and ok
  3. geordie

    geordie Private E-2

    thank you unchecked security saving attachments

    all now ok

    all the best from the uk.
  4. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    Hey there GLS, you are fast, you don't give a chance to one who goes to bed at night. he he he :) :D :D
  5. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    @Geordie glad its sorted m8
    Now just make sure Newcastle beat Liverpool for the fourth champions league slot ;)

    @Greyhound its all down to the time difference here in the UK when your at bed us over here are working :D ;)
  6. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    Yea I know, just pulling your leg a bit GLS.
  7. General_Lee_Stoned

    General_Lee_Stoned BuZZed Lightyear

    I know M8 :D

    But even so when you get old you need more sleep anyway :p :D

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