Overwriting on a CD-RW

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Luckyneil, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. Luckyneil

    Luckyneil Private First Class

    After copying a single folder (with dozens of sub-folders) onto a RW disc I then reorganized the folder on my hard drive making a LOT of changes. I tried to replace the old folder on my RW disc with the updated version and I get the message that the contents are read-only but that I can overwrite individual files. This is no good. I want to do a complete overwrite. I'm using Nero Express that came bundled with my disc burner.
  2. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    CDRW-- you need to erase the disc first under the more button at the bottom of your burn splash screen more>erase disc(ne 6 anyway)
  3. mPK

    mPK Private First Class

    just go into my computer. go to your cd rw drive and then choose erase this disk (from the side pane) after the erase you can burn the files no prob.
  4. Luckyneil

    Luckyneil Private First Class

    Didn't work. I keep getting the Read Only message. Is it because my disc burner isn't capable of erasing anything?

    I tried modyfying a single file and that worked OK but I had to do it from the hard drive then re-burn it. I couldn't work directly with the file on the CD-RW because it was marked read only. In the (Word) file's properties box everything was greyed out.
  5. zepper

    zepper Corporal

    Depends on how you did the initial writing to the CD-RW. If you write just as if the disk was a CD-R, the files will automatically be marked Read Only (as far as the normal Win tools are concerned). If you install InCD and pre-format the disk with InCD and then add files to it using your normal Win tools like Win Explorer, then the files should not be marked Read Only unless they were that way on the hard drive. Only if you use InCD to pre-format RW disks and have the driver installed, can you treat the RW as if it was a big floppy diskette.
    . Besides which, ver. 5 of Nero is Ancient (ver. 7 just came out). You can get OEM of ver. 6 for under $20. You can at least update to the current ver of InCD by DLing from Nero.

  6. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Not sure why you'd bother.
    Make a new CD-RW, of the new files/folder.
    That way you still have copies of the original files and a copy of the re-organised files.
    Better to be safe than sorry, if anything goes wrong with either copy, as it will eventually.



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