PC can't connect to network but can be pinged by other PC's

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by CDank3, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. CDank3

    CDank3 Private E-2

    I have a windows 98 machine that will not connect to the network. I can ping the machine from other machines. I can print to two network printers using /xerox/!!!!! ports but not printers with ip address configurations. The PC is not seen in network neighborhood. Any idea to what may be causing this problem?
  2. kjanz

    kjanz Corporal

  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Check you protocols for NetBui/NetBios... check the PC is in the same workgroup...
    guesstimate.. that if you can ping and use printers by IP your TCP/IP is installed...
  4. djlowe

    djlowe Private First Class


    "but not printers with ip address configurations"

    With Windows 98, direct IP printing isn't natively supported by the OS - it's added via what is called a "port monitor" that redirects printer output to the designated IP address. Some printer manufacturers offer this via a driver you can download. HP does, for example, but it may or may not work for non-HP printers.


  5. CDank3

    CDank3 Private E-2

    Every thing is correct this PC was on the network before and working fine. Nothing has changed and it is clean of spyware and virus'. It works from other buildings with no problem it just won't work from any connection in that particular building.

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