Pc Stucks When I Starts Winamp...Please Help..!

Discussion in 'Software' started by techsupport, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. techsupport

    techsupport Private E-2


    When i opened the winamp my pc get stucks for few minutes and gets back to normal speed again.I have re-installed the Winamp for several times thinking that this is a problem with my software.However problem still persists.

    I have a fair PC configuration and really can't figure what is the problem.I thought about using a registry cleaner as well.What do you think.Here are My Basic pc details.

    Processor : Intel Pentium Dual Core (E2190) 1.8Ghz
    RAM : 1GB (DDR2)
    VGA : 256MB On Board
    HDD : 250GB

    OS : Windows XP Service Pack 2.

    Any Help..?
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What version of WinAmp is it you're using and is it latest version?

    The main issues I have read that cause WinAmp to open slowly are your Antivirus scanning its Library of tracks, to the burning addon in WinAmp Sonic software causing an incompatability in the burning aspect of WinAmp, possibly with other buring applications.

    Uninstall WinAmp and on re-install at the point when there is a choice at whats installed click to expand Multimedia > scroll down and untick Sonic Ripping Burning Support and then continue the install.

    Try disabling your Antivirus to see if that slows the opening of WinAmp, but only if the above option doesnt work.
  3. techsupport

    techsupport Private E-2

    hi thanks for the reply.yes it is the latest version and i'll try unticking the sonic ripping too.let you know whether the problem still persists

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