Discussion in 'Hardware' started by swalsh19, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class

    I running a stripped down version of WIndows XP that has NO DRIVER base. You have to provide all the drivers in order for it to work. It is very nice for old machines as it is VERY FAST.

    I have tried to put it on an old laptop, however since there is no drivers, I cannot install the PCMCIA slots. I require the slot for a 802.11g Wifi card. I know I could get a USB dongle, but I have a card already. If possible I would like to get some drivers for the slots.

    Is it possible to extract drivers of a CD from a full version of XP? If so could you tell me how?

  2. padams

    padams First Sergeant

    This is why you don't mess with xp lite. You might be able to go into another laptop you haven't installed xp lite on and find the drivers built in to it for the pcmcia slot and extract them. Also might want to check the laptop manufac. site for drivers or the mobo manufac. site for drivers. they might possibly have them. Hope you can find it.
  3. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class

    If I install a full version of XP on to the laptop the PCMCIA is all loaded fine. How could I extract the files used so that I could use them in the Lite edition I have.

    Unfortunately the manufactures site simply says drivers included with XP, they don't have anything available.
  4. padams

    padams First Sergeant

    let me do some research and see if i can locate them on my laptop when i get off work tonight. I let you know if i can find something.
  5. swalsh19

    swalsh19 Private First Class


    I'm in the process of loading a full version of XP on the laptop as we speak.

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