PDF-to-Tex converter program?

Discussion in 'Software' started by On edge, Feb 20, 2008.

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  1. On edge

    On edge Corporal

    TeX and LaTeX are formats or code for scientific word processors, which people usually convert to PDFs when ready. I'd like to go the other way around. I want to convert a PDF file into a TeX file so that I could edit it, and then convert it back to a PDF. I can of course copy/paste the text into a Scientific Workplace, and snapshot/save/insert the graphics too, but I'd like to get the code and pics automatically. Anyone know any good PDF converters (Adobe Acrobat Pro 8 doesn't export PDFs to TeX).
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    There's several ways to convert to PDF to other formats like Word (.doc or .docx) or text (.txt or .rtf) but I have never even heard of TeX.... if it can import Word docs then you could use an online service like www.zamzar.com to go from PDF to Word, import it into your program, but going back to PDF might be tricky... there's some free PDF to Word converters too (here's one http://www.hellopdf.com/download.php)... not exactly what you're looking for, but I hope it helps....
  3. On edge

    On edge Corporal

    I've tried converting some PDF's to Word (I have MS Office 2003) with Adobe Acrobat Professional and it came out a scrambled mess. Maybe word lacks the fonts used in those pdfs, and it has a problem with the math symbols, Greek, graphs, etc. same with txt-formats. as for rtf-files, they didn't work either - I think they came out in picture form on scientific word.
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