Permanent Read-Only

Discussion in 'Software' started by Vinyaya, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Vinyaya

    Vinyaya Private E-2

    My C:\Program Files (x86) folder is read only, as all all its subfolders, causing problems with some of my applications. I tried to change it in the folder properties, hit accept, then OK. When I look at the properties again, it is once again read only. I tried moving the folder to my desktop, but the same thing occurs, leading me to believe that this is not restricted to the Program Files (x86) folder, but it's the only one I need to remove the read only tag from at the moment. Any suggestions?
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Explain your issues, as this isn't the cause of them.
  3. Vinyaya

    Vinyaya Private E-2

    Guild Wars and Anarchy Online are unable to patch because they are unable to write to their installation folders. I am also unable to edit and save anything within Program Files (x86) and it's subfolders, but I can copy files to it.
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Then thats a case of your files being read only, not the folder.

    Either way, that article should address the issue?

    Apply the attribute to all subfolders, etc.
  5. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Try run-as administrator, when ye run the patch.

    My folder is also set for read, read and execute, and list folder contents.

    When that latest wow patch came in, I also had an issue with patching, but running as admin "fixed" that issue.
  6. Vinyaya

    Vinyaya Private E-2

    My files are also seemingly stuck in read only mode, and I am the administrator.

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