Permissions complications

Discussion in 'Software' started by josephmanis, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. josephmanis

    josephmanis Private E-2

    I've had Ubuntu install for quite a while. Well, for some odd reason, when I try to play a DVD now, I get an error message (from all available movie players ( I've tried them all)) that states that I may not have permission to read the DVD. However, I can browse the disk, and even copy files from it. So what in the world do I need to do to fix this situation. All help appreciated.
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Add yourself to, if memory serves, video and audio groups. You can do this from the user manager fairly easy.
  3. josephmanis

    josephmanis Private E-2

    If it were quite that easy, the problem would already be resolved. I've already done this, any other ideas?
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Well, next time, mention that and don't waste my time. Rude responses get rude replies.

    I have ideas, but I will have to get back to you later.
  5. josephmanis

    josephmanis Private E-2

    That wasn't meant to be a rude reply, I was simply being concise. And, there is nothing wrong with that. Like I said, any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. josephmanis

    josephmanis Private E-2

    So, I managed to fix the permission problem, but now every time I attempt to play a dvd it tells me that the source could not be read. However, I can still explore the files on the disc, and even copy files from the disc. Any ideas now?? All help appreciated

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