Phoenix.GoldGeneric need help

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by cmieure, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    My computer has been infected with the phoenix.goldgeneric and after much research, I havent been able to find a way to remove it. I have located the .exe file and a .tlb file in the sprint folder causing interference with my internet connection. My computer has also been throwing a blue screen lately which i havent been able to get a screen shot of yet.

    Mcaffe claims that they can remove this virus however it hasnt been able to detect it. any help to get rid of this would be much appreciated.

    thanks in advance,

    - Clay

    Attached Files:

  2. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Welcome to MajorGeeks!

    I am currently reviewing your logs and will get back to you with a set of instructions as soon as possible. Our queue is working the oldest threads first.

    Thanks for your patience.
  3. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Hello, cmieure

    The below fixes are specific to your problem and should only be used for issue(s) on this machine. Also, please do not install any other software while we are still working with you unless instructed. Once we have given you the all clean and final instructions you will be free to install what you want.

    * Please give me the exact file path where phoenix.goldgeneric is being detected.

    Step 1:
    Please look in Add/Remove Programs for the following and uninstall if found. If you get any errors just make a note and proceed
    Step 2:
    Run C:\MGtools\analyse.exe by double clicking on it (Note: if using Vista, don't double click, use right click and select Run As Administrator). This is really HijackThis (select Do a system scan only) and select the following lines but DO NOT CLICK FIX until you exit all browser sessions including the one you are reading in right now:

    After clicking Fix, exit HJT.

    Step 3:
    Open CCleaner - select "Cleaner" > "Run Cleaner" <---use this function ONLY!

    Step 4:
    Now install the latest Sun Java Runtime Environment

    Step 5:
    Now go to this link MGTools and download the new version of MGtools....overwrite your previous MGtools.exe file with this one.

    Then run the C:\MGtools\GetLogs.bat file by double clicking on it (Note: if using Vista, use right click and select Run As Administrator).

    Please attach the below log to your next reply:
    • C:\

    Make sure you tell me if you had any problems running this procedure and give a description of how things are working now!

  4. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    i have located the exe file along with a .tlb file at C:\Program Files\Sprint\Sprint SmartView

    I also had a hit in the following places when I ran a search by the name however im not sure if they are related to the problem or not:

    Reenen - phoenix.milk --> C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\Milkdrop2\presets

    Phoenix --> C:\Program Files\Summit\jre\lib\zi\America

    Phoenix --> C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\zi\America --> C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch

    and in the registry @ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{02E0D2BF-1B2D-4ef4-B3CE-541AFD9DAF62}

    hopefully that helps.
    thanks again - clay
  5. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member


    It looks as though you're having False Positives from McAfee.
    If you are not having any other malware problems, it is time to do our final steps:
    Safe surfing! [​IMG]
  6. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    I saw a change when I went thru the steps you gave me, but after a couple of days I started to see the symptoms return. I looked at another officers computer and the pheonix.exe and the pheonix.tlb files dont exsist on there machines.

    McAfee has not at anytime detected any files (which I dont understand because there website is the only one so far that I have been able to find any info on this virus) Since I installed it prior to starting this thread. The way that I found these files was by simply using the windows file search looking for anything named Pheonix. I also searched the registry in the same manner using regedit.

    Also when sprint locks up and I restart the machine a force quit window pops up saying that Pheonix.GoldGeneric is not responding etc etc.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  7. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    None of the cleaning procedure did anything with these files.

    How certain are you that the other computer is setup exactly like the one you're questioning? [i.e. The very same hardware/software installed/identical files & data.]

    *From what we can determine - these "phoenix" type files are part of Sprint Smartview. Is this something you need? Does the other machine also have it?... if so - was it installed on that machine at the same time?

  8. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    None of these files exist on the other computer that i could find; Unless this phoenix program infected the files and renamed them.

    I uploaded some screen shots hoping it may help. Disregard the .jpg files in the search picture, they are just the screen shots that I was saving.

    Would it help if i sent you some of these infected files, or parts of them, so you can evaluate them?

    Attached Files:

  9. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    Not sure if the original post applied, computer crashed while i was waiting for the upload.

    None of these files exist on the other computer that i could find; Unless this phoenix program infected the files and renamed them.

    I uploaded some screen shots hoping it may help. Disregard the .jpg files in the search picture, they are just the screen shots that I was saving.

    Would it help if i sent you some of these infected files, or parts of them, so you can evaluate them?

    Attached Files:

  10. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    None of these files exist on the other computer that i could find; Unless this phoenix program infected the files and renamed them.

    Would it help if i sent you some of these infected files, or parts of them, so you can evaluate them?
  11. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    Please answer my other questions:

    Is Sprint Smartview installed on the other machine?

    If so - was it installed at the same time?

    Have you tried doing an un-install / Run CCleaner / re-install to see if that removes the files in question?
  12. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    all of our machines were installed using the same image. Software consists of sprintsmart view for the air card, spillman, microsoft office, fire fox, ccleaner, and avg. I uninstalled avg prior to installing mcafe to see if mcafe could remove the virus. When mcafe didnt locate the virus, I posted this thread looking for help.

    All of the computers recieved the same image in the same time frame.

    After the image was installed, I added Winamp and some other software that I personally own, which to my knowledge the other machines do not have.

    I just looked at a 3rd machine and again no phoenix files.
  13. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    I havent tried this option yet, I do not have access to the original copy of this software
  14. cmieure

    cmieure Private E-2

    I havent tried this option yet, I do not have access to the original copy of this software

    I just ran ccleaner again and it located HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Phoenix.Generic.Client and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Phoenix.GenericGold.Client, however it is not fixing them.
  15. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    McAfee does not locate it because it is not a virus. It is just part of the Sprint software that you have installed. See the below link:

    This is also why the READ & RUN ME did not detect any problems.

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