Pictures do not show on my computer.

Discussion in 'Software' started by rgrandcolas, May 12, 2006.

  1. rgrandcolas

    rgrandcolas Private E-2


    Can anyone help me with this problem?
    My computer had been working fine.
    I turned on my desk top this morning and found that where there should be a picture is just a blank box.
    On this site - there are only blank boxes and no pictures.
    for instance the Major geeks logo does not show up on my computer now.
    Just a blank box that says MajorGeeks in it. along with little white box with a red square a blue circle and rectangle.

    What happened? How do I fix this? Can any one help me with this problem?

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    What browser are you using? All the fixes will be under tools / options in I.E.
    Tools / options / content in Firefox the box to show images ....will be more specific when you respond with which browser your using.
  3. rgrandcolas

    rgrandcolas Private E-2

    Thank you Tim

    I found - next to the address bar - a selection called links. i opened it and there was an icon in the list called - toggle images. I clicked on it and now all the pictures are back again. i dont know where that toggle images icon came from - but it fixed the problem.

    Thanks for your help

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